Publication Date

Spring 2017

Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Chris Pollett

Second Advisor

Jenny Lam

Third Advisor

Robert Chun


Video games, neural nets, Q Learning


Deep reinforcement learning is a technique to teach machines tasks based on trial and error experiences in the way humans learn. In this paper, some preliminary research is done to understand how reinforcement learning and deep learning techniques can be combined to train an agent to play Archon, a classic video game. We compare two methods to estimate a Q function, the function used to compute the best action to take at each point in the game. In the first approach, we used a Q table to store the states and weights of the corresponding actions. In our experiments, this method converged very slowly. Our second approach was similar to that of [1]: We used a convolutional neural network (CNN) to determine a Q function. This deep neural network model successfully learnt to control the Archon player using keyboard event that it generated. We observed that the second approaches Q function converged faster than the first. For the latter method, the neural net was trained only using prediodic screenshots taken while it was playing. Experiments were conducted on a machine that did not have a GPU, so our training was slower as compared to [1].
