Publication Date
Spring 2017
Degree Type
Master's Project
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer Science
First Advisor
Mark Stamp
Second Advisor
Thomas Austin
Third Advisor
Melody Moh
Command and Control Server, traffic periodicity
A botnet consists of a network of infected computers which are controlled re- motely via a command and control (C&C) server. A typical botnet requires frequent communication between the C&C server and the infected nodes. Previous approaches to detecting botnets have employed various machine learning techniques, based on features extracted from network tra c. In this research, we carefully analyze the pe- riodicity of tra c as a means for detecting a variety of botnets by applying machine learning to publicly available datasets.
Recommended Citation
Nagarajan, Prathiba, "Analysis of Periodicity in Botnets" (2017). Master's Projects. 544.