Publication Date

Spring 2019

Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Mike Wu

Second Advisor

Katerina Potika

Third Advisor

Marjan Orang


Stock market, machine learning, deep learning, graph theory, financial networks, time series forecasting, spatio-temporal


Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is the cornerstone of the modern financial theory and it states that it is impossible to predict the price of any stock using any trend, fundamental or technical analysis. Stock trading is one of the most important activities in the world of finance. Stock price prediction has been an age-old problem and many researchers from academia and business have tried to solve it using many techniques ranging from basic statistics to machine learning using relevant information such as news sentiment and historical prices. Even though some studies claim to get prediction accuracy higher than a random guess, they consider nothing but a proper selection of stocks and time interval in the experiments.

In this project, a novel approach is proposed using graph theory. This approach leverages Spatio- temporal relationship information between different stocks by modeling the stock market as a complex network. This graph-based approach is used along with two techniques to create two hybrid models. Two different types of graphs are constructed, one from the correlation of the historical stock prices and the other is a causation-based graph constructed from the financial news mention of that stock over a period. The first hybrid model leverages deep learning convolutional neural networks and the second model leverages a traditional machine learning approach. These models are compared along with other statistical models and the advantages and disadvantages of graph-based models are discussed. Our experiments conclude that both graph-based approaches perform better than the traditional approaches since they leverage structural information while building the prediction model.
