Publication Date


Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Virgil Parsons

Second Advisor

Elizabeth Dietz


This quantitative research explored the health views of Russian-Americans to discover information about the health needs of this population. Data were collected via a demographic form and a tool, SF-36 Health Survey. 46 respondents participated and returned completed packets. Results were scored in eight scales representing two different groups of health measurement, physical health and mental health. The scores for each scale and group were compared to the nonn-based scoring for general U.S. population. The mean for the physical component summary (PCS) was 33.31, and the mean for the mental health summary (MCS) was 48.53 indicating that the physical health of people from this sample was much lower than the average for the US general population. However, the mental health of the sample was very close to the average for the US general population. Suggestions are offered for how health care providers can use this information in working with Russian-Americans.

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