Publication Date


Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science


The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) has proved to be proficient in classical wired networks, presenting an ability to acclimatize to modern, high-speed networks and present new scenarios for which it was not formerly designed. Wireless access to the Internet requires that information reliability be reserved while data is transmitted over the radio channel. Automatic repeat request (ARQ) schemes and TCP techniques are often used for error-control at the link layer and at the transport layer, respectively. TCP/IP is becoming a communication standard [1]. Initially it was designed to present reliable transmission over IP protocol operating principally in wired networks. Wireless networks are becoming more ubiquitous and we have witnessed an exceptional growth in heterogeneous networks. This report considers the problem of supporting TCP, the Internet data transport protocol, over a lossy wireless link whose features vary over time. Experimental results from a wireless test bed in a research laboratory are reported.

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