Publication Date


Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Virgil Parsons

Second Advisor

Rosemary J. Mann


Purpose: Hispanic mothers tend to over use hospital emergency services and under use primary care providers when seeking health care for their children. In order to change this health care utilization behavior, researchers must understand the barriers to health care perceived by Hispanic mothers. Design: In this non-experimental survey study, a non-probability, purposive sampling of 45 Hispanic mothers at a rural county pediatric clinic were surveyed. Methods: Using the Health Belief Model (HBM) as its framework an 18-item survey examined, barriers to health care, cues to action, subjects' knowledge, family satisfaction, access, and likelihood of action. Findings: The data suggest that long waiting periods for clinical appointments, limited clinical hours, and lengthy waiting room delays are the major perceived barriers by these Hispanic mothers.
