Publication Date


Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Ginny Young Cureton

Second Advisor

Daryl L. Canham


Classroom Instructional Assistants are being used more frequently to provide care for medically fragile children who are mainstreamed into the regular education setting. The purpose of this evaluative study was to develop a beginning health curriculum that could be provided as an inservice program for classroom Instructional Assistants. Content for the inservice consisted of handwashing, medication administration, asthma, and seizures. This study used a pretest and posttest design to look at the effectiveness of the educational inservice. There were 17 participants, 16 of whom completed the pretest and posttest. A pretest was administered prior to the inservice followed by a posttest 6 weeks later. The majerity of the posttest findings indicate that the participants did not demonstrate any significant changes in knowledge after the inservice except in the area of asthma content. The lack of findings may be attributed to a previous inservice the year before. In general, school districts have not provided the Instructional Assistants with a formalized training program nor have there been community certification programs available. A basic foundation in health care procedures and standards of care for Instructional Assistants is of great importance. School nurses are required to rely on the quality and comprehensive care given by the Instructional Assistants. Without basic skills and competent care, children are at risk.
