Scenic Design for "The Weir"
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Scenic Designer for the production of "The Weir" at the Jewel Theatre Company in Santa Cruz, in January 2022.
The arrival of a mysterious woman from Dublin disrupts the routine in a tiny pub in rural Ireland. The local barflies vie to impress her with tales of the supernatural – but what starts as stories of ghosts and fairies leads to revelations about love and family. Playwright Conor McPherson was awarded the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play for The Weir.
As the Scenic Designer, I oversee the design and visual aspects in three departments, and work directly with the people in those departments. These areas are Scenery (the architectural aspects of the setting), Scenic Art & Paints (the textures, painting, and finish of the scenery), and Properties (anything that you would move in or out of your house in a moving van including all décor).
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Jewel Theatre