Getting the Runaround: Formerly Incarcerated Men and the Bureaucratic Barriers to Reentry

Getting the Runaround: Formerly Incarcerated Men and the Bureaucratic Barriers to Reentry


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Getting the Runaround takes readers into the bureaucracy of prisoner reentry, examining how returning citizens navigate the "institutional circuit" of parole offices, public assistance programs, rehabilitation facilities, shelters, and family courts. Tracing the lives of men returning to New York City after incarceration, the book argues that the very institutions charged with facilitating the transition from incarceration to community life perversely undermine reintegration by imposing a litany of bureaucratic obstacles. This "runaround" is not merely a series of inconveniences but rather an extension of state punishment that exacerbates poverty and diminishes citizenship rights. By telling the stories of men caught in vicious cycles of bureaucratic control, Halushka demonstrates the urgent need to shift reentry away from an austerity-driven, compliance-based framework and toward a vision of social justice and inclusion.

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University of California Press

Getting the Runaround: Formerly Incarcerated Men and the Bureaucratic Barriers to Reentry
