Immersive video technology: Highly engaging, cost-efficient, standardized clinical simulations for remote learning
Publication Date
Document Type
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Nursing Education Research Conference 2020
Conference Location
Washington, D.C.
Immersive videos could help make standardized Clinical Simulation(SIM) experiences accessible to 10, 100, or even 1000s of remote students at once. Immersive video viewers feel like they are standing inside the video: able to look up, down, and around as SIMs unfold before them. Join us, to find out more!
Clinical Simulation, Immersive Video, Remote Learning
Recommended Citation
Bryan Dang, Alice L. Butzlaff, Brandon Kyle Johnson, April Wood, Gregory E. Gilbert, and Suzan Kardong-Edgren. "Immersive video technology: Highly engaging, cost-efficient, standardized clinical simulations for remote learning" Nursing Education Research Conference 2020 (2020).