Assessing the Feasibility of Employing Transportation Utility Fee: Need to Overlay Landmark Court Decisions on State-Level Determinants
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Journal of Planning Education and Research
There is a growing interest nationwide in employing a transportation utility fee (TUF). The extant literature discusses ways to make TUF legally defensible by maintaining its fee-like features, so that it is not considered a tax. However, courts consider the context of state law while determining the legality of a TUF; hence, the need to consider the takeaways from landmark TUF-related court cases and state-specific determinants while designing a TUF program. The paper begins to fill this research gap by demonstrating how court decisions can be overlaid on state-specific determinants to identify a set of choices for levying TUF.
fee, infrastructure finance, municipal finance, public finance, transportation, transportation finance, transportation utility fee, utility fee
Urban and Regional Planning
Recommended Citation
Shishir Mathur and Ralph Robinson. "Assessing the Feasibility of Employing Transportation Utility Fee: Need to Overlay Landmark Court Decisions on State-Level Determinants" Journal of Planning Education and Research (2022).