Incorporating Reference into A Unified Service Point at an Academic Library: A Case Study
Publication Date
January 2019
Document Type
Publication Title
The Reference Librarian
This paper aims to discuss the incorporation of reference services into a trending service point model called the Unified Service Point (USP). Driven by organizational shift, the model was recently adopted by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library of San Jose State University. An anonymous survey was conducted to understand student perspectives on reference services, including the USP. The survey also asked questions about student motivation for seeking help from a librarian, and their level of satisfaction with the reference services. The authors offer recommendations to improve reference services at the USP based on the results of the study. ©, Published with license by Taylor & Francis. © Anamika Megwalu and Kate Barron. ©, © Anamika Megwalu and Kate Barron.
academic libraries, integrated service point, reference services, research consultation, single service point, unified service point
Recommended Citation
Anamika Megwalu and Kate Barron. "Incorporating Reference into A Unified Service Point at an Academic Library: A Case Study" The Reference Librarian (2019).
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