Evaluating Atmospheric Surface Layer Flux Parameterization within the Coastal Regime

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Monthly Weather Review







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Traditional atmospheric surface layer theory assumes homogeneous surface conditions. Regardless, nearly all surface layer parameterization schemes employed within numerical weather prediction models utilize the same techniques within highly heterogeneous coastal regimes as for homogeneous environments. We compare predicted surface weather and fluxes of momentum, heat, and moisture}focusing mainly on momentum}from regional simulations using the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) atmospheric model to observations collected from offshore buoys, inland flux towers, and radiosonde profiles during the Coastal Land-Air-Sea Interaction (CLASI) project throughout the summer of 2021 around Monterey Bay, California. Results reveal that modeled cross-coastal surface flux gradients are spuriously discontinuous, leading to systematically overestimated fluxes and weak winds inland of the coastline during onshore flow periods. Additionally, contrary to observations, modeled surface exchange coefficients are insensitive to wind direction on both sides of the coast, which degrades predictive skill downstream from the coastline. Over the central bay, prediction degrades when near-surface wind directions deviate from the prevailing flow direction as the parameterized stress-wind relationship fails during these cases. Predictive skill over the bay is therefore linked to variations in wind direction. Offshore of the geographically complex peninsula, systematic biases are less clear; however, bifurcations in drag coefficients based on wind direction were measured here as well. Last, increasing the horizontal grid spacing from 333 m to 3 km does not significantly affect surface layer prediction. This work highlights the need to reevaluate surface layer parameterization methods for modeling within coastal regions.

Funding Number

PE 0601153N

Funding Sponsor

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory


Boundary layer, Mesoscale models, Numerical analysis/modeling, Surface fluxes, Surface layer, Surface observations


Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
