Effect of Graphene Quantum Dots on the Mechanical Properties of Bisphenol F-Based Epoxy

Publication Date


Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Proceedings of the American Society for Composites - 38th Technical Conference, ASC 2023

First Page


Last Page



Nanofillers have gained popularity in the composites industry to enhance the already desirable thermo-mechanical properties of the material. These fillers have been reported to generate poor bonding, agglomeration, void-formation, and similar nano-scale defects. Graphene Quantum dots (GQDs) are one of the smallest nanofiller with a diameter of ~1 nm that can mitigate the commonly seen defects in toughened composites. Molecular Dynamics (MD) is used to investigate the molecular mechanisms generated by embedding a single GQD in an epoxy matrix. Mechanical characterization of a single pristine GQD-epoxy system is reported in this study.

Funding Sponsor

High Performance Computing Platform of Jiangsu University


Chemical and Materials Engineering

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