Publication Date


Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings



First Page


Last Page



Learning Assistant Reflection, Guidance, and Exploration (LA-RGE) is a new program at San Jose State University designed to provide support for university faculty working with learning assistants (LAs). Faculty in LA-RGE attend facilitated bi-weekly meetings throughout the semester which discuss various topics about pedagogy, LAs, and equity. In this presentation, we will discuss a research study on what kind of support is being provided by this program and how that can potentially lead to better partnerships between faculty and LAs. During one-on-one interviews, we asked faculty to discuss their personal experiences over the time they have worked with LAs, and if LA-RGE meetings have had any effect on their perspective and relationship with their LA. We then categorized the different effects and support that faculty were receiving through LA-RGE. This work will be important toward understanding how support for faculty can lead to a more productive partnership between faculty and LAs.

Funding Number

DUE 2234071

Funding Sponsor

National Science Foundation

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Physics and Astronomy
