Green Energy Cloud -Taxonomy, Infrastructure, Platform, and Services

Publication Date


Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Proceedings - 17th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering, SOSE 2023



First Page


Last Page



Due to current economic and environmental circumstances, there is a strong demand for new technologies and solutions to produce renewable energy, including green energy AI, renewable energy infrastructure, green energy trading and management. Rapid advancement of green energy technology and AI techniques provides many researchers with tremendous opportunities and new ideas. Although there are numerous published research works addressing smart grids, green energy management, and AI models, there is a lack of comprehensive tutorials on green energy cloud computing taxonomy and AI services. This paper focuses on the renewable energy cloud computing and service as well as the application of AI to it. We will present a tutorial on green energy cloud, including its concepts and key features, taxonomy, service, and deployment models. In addition, we will propose a layered green energy cloud service infrastructure and provide the taxonomy of green energy AI solutions. Finally, we will discuss the key challenges, issues and needs. Green energy cloud allows users to take advantage of cloud and green energy AI solutions while reducing the cost and negative effects on the environment, which has very positive results on human well-being in the long term.


a layered green energy cloud service infrastructure, cloud-based energy AI service, edge-based energy AI service, green energy cloud, green energy trading, taxonomy of green energy cloud


Computer Engineering
