Critical Praxis in Student Affairs Supervision: Considerations and Suggestions From LGBTQ Resource Center Professionals

Publication Date


Document Type

Contribution to a Book

Publication Title

Critical Praxis in Student Affairs: Social Justice in Action



First Page


Last Page



This chapter discusses our work helping young adults develop an intersectional consciousness--or way of making meaning--about the world. It provides a brief overview of intersectionality as a framework, detailing its important components as well as clarifying common misconceptions. The chapter shares excerpts from our dialogue that may help educators think through their efforts in cultivating the consciousness in students. It argues that the work of cultivating intersectional consciousness is not a what conversation but rather a how conversation. Students learn in various ways, requiring educators to use a multitude of methods to facilitate learning. Solving social problems requires an intersectional analysis, or an ability to see how seemingly disparate issues actually connect to one another. Sponsoring educational retreats, attending campus protests, and creating materials with students can all be containers for this kind of learning.
