Publication Date

April 2007

Document Type

Popular Press

Publication Title

El Observador


It has become clear that too many Latinos are increasingly at risk of their liberties, education and health care, their livelihoods, indeed—in some cases—their very lives.If these risks are due to violent behavior, laziness, poor choices, unhealthy lifestyles, and an unwillingness to work, then it is understandable that people suffer the consequences of their actions. But we know the prevailing truth of our Latino cultural values: hard work, taking care of family, honesty, sharing with others. And if we came to the U.S. as immigrants (with documents or without), we came out of desperation—eager to work hard at an honest job, for a better life for our children.In English and Spanish


Courtesy of El Observador (EO), San Jose, CA; website: <>
