Publication Date

September 2007

Document Type



"RENDITION," a movie currently being shown in San Jose, CA., is a reality-based account of the C.I.A.'s clandestine program of abducting foreign nationals (so far) suspected of terrorist ties to transport them by airplane to detention facilities outside the U.S. where international human rights and the Geneva Convention Against Torture and Inhumane Treatment safeguards are not respected. These detention sites are located in countries including Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, and at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.


Gil's discussion of the film "Rendition" and local San Jose ties to this CIA program.
For further information on the local San Jose ties to rendition, please see Gil and Sharat G. Lin's article "Rights Activists Step Up Opposition to Corporate Complicity in Torture" on Indybay:
