Statistical Analysis of Recent Go Around Flight Data to Study and Evaluate Skilled Pilot Monitoring

Publication Date


Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

AIAA Aviation Forum and ASCEND, 2024




A statistical analysis was performed on a batch of recent go-around flight data of a few major US airlines spanning a one year period. The statistical analysis investigates a few select relevant aspects of these go arounds, such as initiation altitude and altitude change, aircraft configuration, deviation from the flightpath, and energy state. These data show that only one third of the landings are aborted below 400ft, but the majority of the go arounds occur at significantly higher altitudes. Current go-around training is specifically focused on the final approach and landing phase at low altitudes and low speeds. The results of this study will support the development of a broader set of relevant scenarios for an FAA simulator experiment to study and evaluate the skills of the pilots who monitor this wide spectrum of diverse go-around conditions, with the ultimate goal to help improve pilot go-around training and technologies.


Aviation and Technology
