Framework for Real-Time Closed-Loop Simulation of Advanced Rotorcraft Configurations Using Comprehensive Flight Dynamics Models

Publication Date


Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum and Technology Display


This paper presents a real-time closed-loop rotorcraft simulation framework using HeliUM-A, a high-fidelity flight dynamics analysis, and a Simulink®-based flight control system model. Serial optimization and parallel computing techniques are introduced in HeliUM-A to achieve real-time speeds. A customized ordinary differential equation solver with parallel load balancing enables accelerated time marching simulations. Software interfaces are introduced to encapsulate HeliUM-A into a Level-2 S-function Simulink® block. Using standardized Simulink® ports, control inputs, rotor/body states and their time derivatives as well as relevant output quantities are communicated in-memory between Simulink® and HeliUM-A for closed-loop execution. This encapsulation retains the parallel computing improvements in HeliUM-A when executed through MATLAB, Simulink® or through the compiled executable automatically generated by the Simulink Coder. The framework is demonstrated on a coaxial compound scout helicopter with a pusher-propeller. Closed-loop vehicle and rotor responses are compared between two flight dynamics models: a stitched simulation model based on linearized models extracted from HeliUM-A, and the original HeliUM-A model. Time domain and frequency sweep comparisons showed excellent agreement between the stitched and nonlinear HeliUM-A models demonstrating that the new HeliUM-A based closed-loop framework shows expected behaviour. The HeliUM-A bare airframe model can be used to simulate various rotorcraft configurations in edge-of-the-envelope flight conditions, whereas the stitched models are accurate for center-of-the-envelope conditions.


Aviation and Technology
