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Progress in Human Geography
In this paper, we propose a theoretical and conceptual framework for articulating and studying changes in the global economic landscape and illustrate this framework in the current context. The framework pivots around the notion of rescaling, which is interpreted from a human agency perspective. We disentangle three theoretically distinct dimensions of rescaling and show how they play together using concrete examples. The theoretical and conceptual framework links the intended and unintended consequences of globalisation to current rescaling efforts, and allows us to investigate when, why, and how changes to the geography of economic relationships occur.
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Lunds Universitet
Economic development, F02, F50, F60, globalisation, industrial dynamics, industrial policy, L50, L60, O10, O30, sustainable development, technological regimes
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Urban and Regional Planning
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Markus Grillitsch, Björn Asheim, Nichola Lowe, Sophie Kelmenson, Lea Fünfschilling, Karl Johan Lundquist, Yahia Mahmoud, Mikhail Martynovich, Pauline Mattsson, Magnus Nilsson, Johan Miörner, and Torben Schubert. "Rescaling: Change agency and the emerging geography of economic relationships" Progress in Human Geography (2024).