Creativity in Response to COVID-19: Virtual Study Abroad to Facilitate Global Connection & Cultural Humility via OT Online Education

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Annual Meeting of the American Occupational Therapy Association

Conference Location



Global experiences facilitate the development of cultural competence, cultural humility, self-reflection, and a sense of global community. In 2020, as a result of COVID-19, global study-abroad programs at San Jose State University were canceled. Research shows that an online format can be successful as a virtual alternative to a study-abroad experience. This poster describes the process of converting four global programs to an online format. Recommendations for future virtual global experiences will be shared. - Learning Objective 1: Identify how to use different online modalities, technology, and strategies to enhance student learning of global perspectives and cultural humility. - Learning Objective 2: Understand the steps in developing an online study-abroad course or experience.


Occupational Therapy
