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Students will have spent much of the semester learning about the history of race in American culture from its beginnings up until 1877. This not only includes the history of slavery, but also the racialization of indigenous peoples and various groups of immigrants (including those today deemed “white”). Students will also have studied key concepts and theories central to racial studies, such as proto-racism, racial formation, racial justice, biological racism, etc. We encourage them to interrogate the concept of race as natural and to consider how race is ideological and how it evolves over time. We also explore how we behave, practice, and enact our lives according to these ideologies and consequently experience race as something that is real. Through this foundational historical and ideological context, they will have a vantage point to reflect back on how their notions about race have evolved throughout the semester.
Publication Date
Spring 2022
American Civilization I (AMS 1A)
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Kling, Rebecca, Jorge Gonzalez, and Valerie Lo. "Debunking Misconceptions." Sustainable Futures, 2022. doi:10.31979/II.2022.007.