Document Type


Publication Date

June 1999

Publication Title

Working Paper - Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California


Industrial Engineering | Operations Research, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering | Systems Engineering | Systems Engineering and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization


The California Aviation Database (CAvD) project was suggested by Caltrans Aeronautics Program to fulfill a need of the planners involved in aviation system planning and programming activities to locate and access aviation data and information in an efficient and comprehensive way. CAvD is being implemented in the form of an Internet website and is currently intended as a five-year project. However, the development can be accelerated, and the duration will depend on the available resources. CAvD is a joint project between the National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Its primary audiences include Caltrans and other State, regional, county, city and airport agencies. In this document, the CAvD database and CAvD Internet website are considered synonymous and will be used interchangeably.This report first proposes a set of primary audiences and objectives for CAvD and a structure for the information to be posted on the mature CAvD website. It then proposes a set of information contents and a preliminary five-year development plan, with 7/97 - 6/98 as the base year. The preliminary plan proposed in this draft report is intended to be used as a starting point for the planning process for the five-year development, and will be revised according to Caltrans’ needs and comments.


This working paper documents research undertaken by the National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), under Contract Number 65A0010. Any opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the California Department of Transportation.This report is also available at this link.
