Document Type
Publication Date
January 2007
Publication Title
San Jose State University
Information Literacy | Library and Information Science
The Library Outpost, a satellite office of the campus’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, seeks ways to reach out to First Year students who are new to writing research papers. One of our goals is to meet the First Year students on their own turf. Since the Peer Mentors and Writing Center tutors have peer relationships with the First year students, we want to learn how we can collaborate with them to provide services to the First year students. We surveyed the Peer Mentors and Writing Center Tutors to assess their perceptions of their own research skills, and their students’ research needs to guide the services and workshops offered by the Library Outpost.
Recommended Citation
Peggy Cabrera, Robert Bruce, and Francis E. Howard. "Peer Mentors and Writing Center Tutors: What our collaborations taught us about serving the SJSU Freshmen Students" San Jose State University (2007).