Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Design and performance of the COOPS sun photometer, Luke Valentine Beatman
The impact of light availability on benthic oxygen release by seagrasses, Laura E. Bodensteiner
Movements and habitat use of female leopard sharks in Elkhorn Slough, California, Aaron B. Carlisle
The flora and fauna of boulders in a kelp forest, Vincent Christian
Maternal attendance and pupping site fidelity of Steller sea lions in Alaska, Pamela Parker
Effects of entrainment on marine microbiota in the Moss Landing Power Plant, Gala Virginia Wagner
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Abundance and tidal movements of green turtle (chelonia mydas) in B.C.S. México, Louise B. Brooks
Small-scale analysis of fish and habitat relationships off central California, Jeffrey Michael Field
Larval dynamics of brachyuran crabs in a high latitude fjord, southeast Alaska, Jennifer L. Fisher
Sources and magnitude of fluid venting from the Mariana forearc serpentine mud volcanos, Samuel M. Hulme
Biology of the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, in Northern California, Robert Thomas Leaf
Survival, movements, and diet of juvenile harbor seals along central California, Stori Christine Oates
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Spatial and temporal variability of kelp forest canopies in central California, Michael D. Donnellan
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Shorebird distribution in a changing environment : patterns at Elkhorn Slough, Sarah Connors
Age, growth, and maturity of cabezon, Scorpaenichthys marmoratus, in California, Joanna Marie Grebel
Methyl and total mercury in surficial sediments of the San Francisco Bay-Delta, Wesley Alan Heim
Settlement patterns of the mussels Mytilus spp. in Moss Landing, California, Shannon Brooke Johnson
Factors influencing the pedal laceration frequency of a subtropical anemone, Chad Eric King
Demography of the intertidal kelp Alaria marginata along the Big Sur coast, Laurie Anne McConnico
Deposition and provenance of modern coarse sediment in Monterey submarine canyon, Patrick John Mitts
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Ecosystem studies of marine mammals and seabirds in Monterey Bay, CA, 1996-99, Scott Robert Benson
Benthic diatoms in the Salinas river: characteristics, relationships to habitat, Zoe B. Knesl
Using the seawifs profiling multichannel radiometer to determine water-leaving radiances, Darryl Wayne Peters
Examination of diet of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from central California using stomach content and stable isotope analysis from multiple tissues, Amanda Kate Toperoff
Hyperspectral remote sensing of subtidal macrophytes in optically shallow water, Sara K. Wittlinger
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Marine mammals off central California relative to hydrography; 1986-94, 1997-99, Carol Ann Keiper
Calcitonin potential roles in the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna Tiburo, Stephanie M. Nichols
Pigment labeling determination of carbon to chlorophyll, James G. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Gulf of California pleistocene and modern molluscan comparison as a test for global change, Carlos E. Cintra Buenrostro
Home range and diel movement pattern of sub-adult lemon sharks in Bimini, Bahamas, Jean René Christophe Gallisard de Marignac
Estimation of chlorophyll, detritus and dissolved substances from optical measurments, Elena Mauri
The consequences of variable recruitment of prey for predators, Evie Ann Wieters
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Geochemical cycling of cadmium in Los Angles and Long Beach harbors, Debbie L. Colbert
Reproductive biology and growth of Anthomastus ritteri (Octocorallia:alcyonacea), Erik E. Cordes
Growth rate and potential climate record from a rhodolith using C AMS, Brian Robert Frantz
Direct ultraviolent spectrophotometric detection of sulfide in natural waters, Elizabeth Guenther
Trace element fluxes from continental margin sediments : a comparison of three techniques for measuring flux, Eric S. Kingsley
Food habits of common dolphin (Delphinus delphis and D. capensis) off California, Lizabeth Diane Osnes-Erie
Genetic differences between two growth-forms of Lithophyllum margaritae, Timothy Nicholas Schaeffer
Variation in parameter estimation using MODFLOWP, Michael John Wanta
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Environmental influences on larval fish condition in Antarctic costal waters, Edward Laman
Reproduction and early life history of Lottia asmi at Pigeon Point, California, Katherine S. Muhs
Life history of the Pacific electric ray, Torpedo Californica (Ayres), in central and southern California, Julie Ann Neer
Ecology of breeding Caspian terns (Sterna Caspia) in Elkhorn Slough, California, Jennifer Lee Parkin
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Age and growth of the Pacific Grenadier (Family Macrouridae, Coryphaenoides acrolepis) with age estimate validation using an improved radiometric ageing technique, Allen Hia Andrews
Distribution of deep-sea invertebrate megafauna off Central California, Susan Craig
Effects of disturbance on sea otters (Enhydra lutris) near Monterey, California, James Michael Curland
In situ chemical characterization of cold seep fluid in Monterey Bay, California, Laurie Jean Ferioli
The relationship between water motion and rhodolith movement in the southwestern Gulf of California, Mexico, Elizabeth Case Marrack
A taxonomic reassessment of Rhodolith-forming species of Lithophyllum (Corallinales : Rhodophyta) in the Gulf of California, México, Rafael Riosmena-Rodriguez
Aspects of the life history of Orthonopias tricis in Monterey Bay, California, Linda Browne Snook
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Pacific coast bottlenose dophins (Tursiops truncatus gilli) in Monterey Bay, California, Daniela Maldini Feinholz
Optical and biological properties in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, Michael Edward Feinholz
Design and performance of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories / Martek beam transmissometer, Joseph Andrew Gashler
Radiochemical age verification for two deep-sea rockfishes : Sebastolobus altivelis and S. alascanus, Donna E. Kline
Oxidation Kinetics of manganese(II) in seawater at nanomolar concentrations, Peter J. von Langen
Trace element and organochlorine compounds in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi) along the Pacific Coast, Doreen Grace Moser
Effects of sediment depth and season on growth and carbohydrate allocation in P. torreyi, Barbara Plechner
Diet, Gastric evacuation, and daily ration of the gray smoothhound shark, Richard A. San Filippo
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Feeding ecology of the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) relative to distribution and abundances of prey, Cheryl L. Baduini
An assessment of genetic variation within and between sea otter (Enhydra lutris) populations off Alaska and California, Lisa Christine Cheney
Nebalia pugettensis (Crustacea; leptostraca) as sediment bioassay test species, Kathi Ann Lefebvre
Effects of boat noise on the singing behavior of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), Thomas F. Norris
Fecundity and embryonic development of Octopus rubescens Berry from Monterey Bay, California, Steven A. Osborn
Distribution, abundance, habitat use, and respiration patterns of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) off the northern San Juan Islands, Washington, Kimberly L. Raum-Suryan
Pupping phenology, disturbance, movements, and dive patterns of the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) off the northern San Juan Islands of Washington, Robert M. Suryan
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Benthic marine pollution around McMurdo Station, Antarctica : patterns of chemical contamination, invertebrate communities, and toxic responses, Hunter S. Lenihan
Effects of produced water from oil production platforms on growth and survival of the mysids, Mysidopsis intii and Holmesimysis costata, Amy L. Wagner
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Onshore and offshore effects of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake in the Moss Landing, California area, Robert Francis Barminski
Geographic variation and cultural evolution in songs of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the eastern North Pacific, Salvatore Cerchio
Determination of bank rockfish age and growth: a comparison of traditional and computer-aided techniques, Aaron Everet King
Internesting movements and behavior of hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) around Buck Island Reef National Monument, St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, Christopher H. Starbird
Ecological studies of rhodoliths in Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur, México, Diana Louise Steller
Bathymetric, spatial and local zoogeographic distribution of ophiuroids on the continental slope off central California, Anne Cary Summers
Body size, diet, habitat use, and social behavior of Balaenopteran whales in the Gulf of California, Mexico, Bernie R. (Bernie Russell) Tershy
Age determination and confirmation from otoliths of the bank rockfish, Sebastes rufus (Scorpaenidae), Diana L. Watters
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Benthic invertebrates living in macroalgal mats on intertidal mudflats of Elkhorn Slough, California, Jane King Allen
Aerobic bacteria of northern fur seal (Ca̲l̲l̲o̲r̲h̲i̲n̲u̲s̲ u̲r̲s̲i̲n̲u̲s̲) pups on the Pribilof (USA) Islands and Medny (USSR) Island, Matthew Anderson Burd
Sampling and anaylsis of trace metals in sediment interstitial waters, Russell Fairey
Biochemical and morphological evidence for a newly introduced species of Aurelia in San Francisco Bay, California, Nina Greenberg
Feeding ecology of gray whales in Agate Bay, California, Summers 1990 and 1991, Craig Allen Hawkinson
A kinematic model of baroclinic tidal currents at the head of Monterey Submarine Canyon, Andrew Justin Heard
The role of olfaction in the homing ability of the blue rockfish, Sebastes mystinus in Carmel Bay, California, Daniel J. Heilprin
Feeding ecology of humpback whales in continental shelf waters near Cordell Bank, California, Thomas R. Kieckhefer
Habitat use, diet, and parasitism of the seastar Rathbunaster californicus fisher from the Monterey Submarine Canyon, California, Lynn Morgan Lewis
The shipboard determination of zinc in seawater using flow injection analysis with fluorometric detection, Jocelyn Lindsey Nowicki
A study of the vertical distribution of upper mesopelagic animals in the Monterey Submarine Canyon, California, Lisa Smith-Beasley
The effects of herbivorous gastropod species and densities on early algal succession in the high intertidal zone, John A. Tarpley
Feeding habits of the midwater polychaete, Poeobius meseres (Heath, 1930) in Monterey Bay, California, Lisa Uttal-Cooke
Taxon-specific analysis of microzooplankton grazing rates and phytoplankton growth rates estimated from chromatographic pigment analysis, Tye Y. Waterhouse
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Facial anatomy of the Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and Dall's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli), Barbara Edith Curry
Spring foraging of Sanderling (Calidris alba) in response to aggregations of Emerita analoga Megalopae, Veronica B. Estelle
Vocal recognition by little penguins (Eudyptula minor) on Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia, Janey Burger Fadely
Neogene folding and faulting in southern Monterey Bay, Joan Marie Gardner-Taggart
The olfactory organs of deep-sea fishes : their morphology and possible role in mate location, Melissa A. (Melissa Ann) Gibbs
The effects of light, rearing density and formulated feeds on growth in the juvenile red abalone (Haliotis rufescens), Jennifer Lea Greenier