Ramming attacks in which drivers deliberately plow their vehicles into public gatherings, pedestrians, or bicyclists, have become an increasingly common terrorist tactic. This MTI Security Perspective, by Brian Michael Jenkins and Bruce R. Butterworth analyzes 78 vehicular attacks between January 1973 and April 2018. According to their analysis, it is a growing trend, and a frightening one. The 78 attacks led to 281 deaths and around 1,200 injuries. Sixteen attacks took place between 1973 and 2007, while 62 took place between 2008 and April 2018. Thirty of these occurred in 2017 and the first four months of 2018 alone.
Publication Date
Publication Type
Security and Counterterrorism
Mineta Transportation Institute URL
Terrorism, Safety and security
Terrorism Studies | Transportation
Recommended Citation
Brian Michael Jenkins and Bruce R. Butterworth. "An Analysis of Vehicle Ramming as a Terrorist Threat" Mineta Transportation Institute (2018).