Do “See Something, Say Something” programs work? The evidence strongly suggests that in the specific case of public surface transportation, the answer is “yes.” Transport staff and passengers play an important role in the prevention of terrorist attacks. By discovering and reporting suspicious objects, they have prevented more than 10 percent of all terrorist attacks on public surface transportation. Detection rates are even better in the economically advanced countries where more than 14 percent of the attempts are detected—and have been improving. This MTI Security Perspective analyzes detections since 1970 and suggests that “See Something, Say Something” campaigns are worthwhile.
Publication Date
Publication Type
Security and Counterterrorism
MTI Project
SP 11-18
Mineta Transportation Institute URL
National security, Terrorism, Safety and security, Public transportation, Surface transportation
Defense and Security Studies | Terrorism Studies | Transportation
Recommended Citation
Brian Michael Jenkins and Bruce R. Butterworth. "Does “See Something, Say Something” Work?" Mineta Transportation Institute (2018).