The authors performed unsteady numerical simulations of virus/particle transport released from a hypothetical passenger aboard a commuter bus. The bus model was sized according to a typical city bus used to transport passengers within the city of Long Beach in California. The simulations were performed for the bus in transit and when the bus was at a bus stop opening the middle doors for 30 seconds for passenger boarding and drop off. The infected passenger was sitting in an aisle seat in the middle of the bus, releasing 1267 particles (viruses)/min. The bus ventilation system released air from two linear slots in the ceiling at 2097 cubic feet per minute (CFM) and the air was exhausted at the back of the bus. Results indicated high exposure for passengers sitting behind the infectious during the bus transit. With air exchange outside during the bus stop, particles were spread to seats in front of the infectious passenger, thus increasing the risk of infection for the passengers sitting in front of the infectious person. With higher exposure time, the risk of infection is increased.
One of the most important factors in assessing infection risk of respiratory diseases is the spatial distribution of the airborne pathogens. The deposition of the particles/viruses within the human respiratory system depends on the size, shape, and weight of the virus, the morphology of the respiratory tract, as well as the subject’s breathing pattern. For the current investigation, the viruses are modeled as solid particles of fixed size. While the results provide details of particles transport within a bus along with the probable risk of infection for a short duration, however, these results should be taken as preliminary as there are other significant factors such as the virus’s survival rate, the size distribution of the virus, and the space ventilation rate and mixing that contribute to the risk of infection and have not been taken into account in this investigation.
Publication Date
Publication Type
Transit and Passenger Rail
Digital Object Identifier
MTI Project
Mineta Transportation Institute URL
Virus dispersion, Particle transport, Mixing and diffusion, Turbulence, Environmental health
Public Health | Transportation
Recommended Citation
Hamid Rahai and Jeremy Bonifacio. "Numerical Investigations of Virus Transport Aboard a Commuter Bus" Mineta Transportation Institute (2021).
Research Brief