
The electric vehicle (EV) has become increasingly popular due to its being zero-emission. However, a significant challenge faced by EV drivers is the range anxiety associated with battery usage. Addressing this concern, this project develops a more efficient battery management system (BMS) for electric vehicles based on a real-time, state-of-charge (SOC) estimation. The proposed study delivers three modules: (1) a new equivalent circuit model (ECM) for lithium-ion batteries, (2) a new SOC estimator based on the moving horizon method, and (3) an on-board FPGA implementation of the classical Coulomb counting method for SOC estimation. The research team extends the traditional ECM by incorporating more functional features through the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO). Then the first-order transfer function model identification and LASSO are iteratively executed to minimize the data fitting error. Given this model, the research team employs the moving horizon estimator (MHE) to determine the SOC by fitting the measured terminal voltage. Subsequently, the research team implements the SOC estimation scheme on an FPGA board. This hardware-in-the-loop simulation is demonstrated in this report step by step. The proposed research has broad societal impacts. It aligns with SB1 objectives in several ways. First, EVs with a more efficient BMS can improve their cruise range, reducing energy consumption and traffic congestion. Second, the resulting BMS can be applied in the solar-power and battery-assisted charging stations to make more reliable infrastructure in an age of sustainable transportation.

Publication Date


Publication Type



Transportation Technology, Sustainable Transportation and Land Use

Digital Object Identifier


MTI Project



Electric vehicle charging, Lithium batteries, Estimation theory, Microprocessors, Vehicle range


Electrical and Computer Engineering | Environmental Policy | Infrastructure | Mechanical Engineering | Transportation
