Hosting Open Access Journals on BYU's Institutional Repository
Start Date
29-10-2021 11:00 AM
End Date
29-10-2021 11:30 AM
Brigham Young University's institutional repository, ScholarsArchive, is currently home to 41 Open Access scholarly journals run by faculty, students, and societies. This presentation will highlight some of the journals' features, explore how the library's Scholarly Communications team works with editors, discuss the requirements for having a journal housed in the repository, and examine readership statistics and discoverability.
Hosting Open Access Journals on BYU's Institutional Repository
Brigham Young University's institutional repository, ScholarsArchive, is currently home to 41 Open Access scholarly journals run by faculty, students, and societies. This presentation will highlight some of the journals' features, explore how the library's Scholarly Communications team works with editors, discuss the requirements for having a journal housed in the repository, and examine readership statistics and discoverability.