Submissions from 2015
Preferred Activity and Well Being: A Study of Occupation, Megan Chang, L. Diane Parham, and Erna I. Blanche
Barriers to Older Adults’ Use of Public Transportation, Matt Heffernan, Megan Chang, Carolyn Glogoski, Regan Dodson-Kyler, and Alexandra Mauro
Using Two Questionnaires to Understand Adult Sensory Processing Behaviors, Amanda Lord, Colleen McNeil, Emily Langston, Jessica Durand, and Megan Chang
The Play Experience for Siblings of Children with Autism, Jennifer Ullman, Jennifer Jordan-Wong, Cynthia Ting, Chelsea Upham, Sara Wykoff, and Megan Chang
Strategies Employed by Community-Dwelling Japanese American Elders to Maintain Social Participation, Maxine Ziprin, Marissa Oshige, and Megan Chang
Submissions from 2014
Effectiveness of a Sensory Rich Early Intervention Program, Erna Imperatore Blanche, Janet S. Gunter, and Megan Chang
Development of an Adult Sensory Processing Scale (ASPS), Erna Imperatore Blanche, Diane Parham, Megan Chang, and Trudy Mallinson
Stress Reactivity in Traditional Chinese Medicine–Based Subgroups of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Megan C. Chang, David Shapiro, Aditi Joshi, Leila Shahabi, Steven Tan, Suzanne Smith, Ka Kit Hui, Kirsten Tillisch, Emeran A. Mayer, and Bruce D. Naliboff
Prospects and Challenges for Healthy Aging Programs in Multicultural, Subsidized Senior Housing, Megan Chang, Sadhna Diwan, Daryl Canham, Toby Adelman, Kasuen Mauldin, Susan Ross, Tamar Semerjian, and Swamini Bajpai
Prospects and Challenges of Implementing Multidisciplinary Healthy Aging Programs in Multicultural, Subsidized Senior Housing, Sadhna Diwan, Megan Chang, Daryl Canham, Toby Adelman, Kasuen Mauldin, Susan Ross, Tamar Semerjian, Swamini Bajpai, and David Lee
Sensory Processing in Toddlers Diagnosed with ASD, Juliana Gutiérrez, Megan Chang, Janet S. Gunter, and Erna Imperatore Blanche
Submissions from 2012
Development of the Comprehensive Observations of Proprioception (COP): Validity, Reliability, and Factor Analysis, Erna Imperatore Blanche, Stefanie Bodison, Megan C. Chang, and Gustavo Reinoso
Proprioceptive Processing Difficulties Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, Erna Imperatore Blanche, Gustavo Reinoso, Megan C. Chang, and Stefanie Bodison
Autonomic and Behavioral Responses of Children With Autism to Auditory Stimuli, Megan C. Chang, L. Diane Parham, Erna Imperatore Blanche, Anne Schell, Chih-Ping Chou, Michael Dawson, and Florence Clark
Submissions from 2011
Psychometric properties of reverse-scored items on the CES-D in a sample of ethnically diverse older adults, Mike Carlson, Rand Wilcox, Chih-Ping Chou, Megan Chang, Frances Yang, Jeanine Blanchard, Abbey Marterella, Ann Kuo, and Florence Clark
Submissions from 2010
Family and Personal Protective Factors Moderate the Effects of Adversity and Negative Disposition on Smoking Among Chinese Adolescents, Thalida Em Arpawong, Ping Sun, Megan Chia-Chen Chang, Peggy Gallaher, Zeng-Chang Pang, Qian Guo, C. Anderson Johnson, and Jennifer Unger
Submissions from 1992
Culturally competent occupational therapy in a diversely populated mental health setting, Maria Dillard, Lynne Andonian, Olivia Flores, Lisa Anne Lai, Anne MacRae, and Muhjah Shakir