Pandemic Diaries
Sally Ashton
Through a series of teacher-led, generative, timed, in-class writing prompts, students will be guided toward the creation of a short narrative that reflects on losses and insights they’ve experienced during the pandemic by (1) considering the time before “now,” (2) the time when disruption was experienced most intensely, and (3) what is experienced differently in the indefinite and ever-morphing “new now.”
Sonnets in Viral Times
Sarah Kate Anderson
To illuminate our personal experiences during this time of sheltering-in, we will continue our investigation of sonnets as performance texts by writing and acting in our own creations. Held by the structure of the verse, we will create and perform sonnets that communicate our thoughts and feelings about life, loss, survival, resilience, and love during these unprecedented times. We will continue to lend our voices to the verse with specific concentration on embodiment, clarity, personal connection, and the merging of the emotional and intellectual through-line. This collaborative assignment has two parts: a creative writing component, and a skilled performance component.
Jonathan Fung
In an age of digital technology, it is common to appropriate images from the internet without considering copyright law or images deemed ‘fair use’. What is the benefit of using images from other sources? How can we change their meaning to spread awareness to advocate for justice and educate our community on what it means to be human in an unprecedented time in our history?
Pandemic Pandemonium
Tina Korani
Like many classes, the curriculum for MCOM 284: Advanced User Experience was derailed by COVID-19. However, the students quickly adapted to the situation and instead used what they’ve learned this semester to support the distribution of reliable information regarding the global pandemic. They were challenged to make an interactive visualization, infographic, or game that educates or informs an audience about the symptoms, preventions, or statistics of COVID- 19. Though the individual students worked remotely, they were still able to collaborate to create a diverse set of engaging experiences. Each of the 5 groups: 1. Used Adobe XD to gamify their designs 2. Included animations and audio playback 3. Had at least 25 screens 4. Gathered their info from credible sources
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