ASIS&T Student Chapter Events Archive

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On October 14th, 2015, SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter welcomed Dr. Michelle Chen and Dr. Sandra Hirsh. Dr. Hirsh provided an overview of the Advanced Certificate, which focuses on the practical skills needed to integrate and manage an increasingly complex body of content like born digital, newly digitized, and Web 2.0 models of user-generated content. Within the Certificate program, one pathway is Data Analytics and Data Driven Decision Making. Dr. Chen, who teaches two popular classes on Big Data and Data Visualization at SJSU, discussed several data visualization tools used by students in the program: Many Eyes, Tableau, and Splunk. Dr. Chen also discussed how information visualization can help libraries and librarians utilize their abundant data resources to provide better patron services through enhanced collection analysis, resource allocation, and user engagement.
Publication Date
SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter
Databases and Information Systems | Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces | Library and Information Science | Other Computer Sciences
Recommended Citation
Hirsh, S., & Chen, M. (2015). Faculty Speakers: Data Visualization and the iSchool Advanced Certificate in SDMAS. Retrieved from