Presented on
Fall 9-25-2018
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Are you curious about where your MLIS can take you after graduation? Join us as we discover a few of the many fantastic libraries you will find in the library world and meet the librarians who work there. Learn how these librarians landed their positions, what their jobs entail day-to-day, and how you can follow in their footsteps. Panelists include librarians from Rolls-Royce, Purina, and more.
SLASC, SJSU, careers, advice, post graduation
Archival Science | Cataloging and Metadata | Collection Development and Management | Communication Technology and New Media | Databases and Information Systems | Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces | Information Literacy | Library and Information Science | Scholarly Communication | Scholarly Publishing | Social Media
Recommended Citation
Smith, Justin; Jankowski, Amy; Hysong, Gabriele; Barrows, Paul; and Hall, Anne, "Fantastic Libraries And Where To Find Them" (2018). SLA Student Chapter Events Archive. 24.