"Preparing LIS Students for a Career in Metadata Librarianship" by Brighid Mooney Gonzales


This study examines the field of metadata librarianship and its emergence from the field of traditional MARC cataloging. Through a survey distributed to academic librarians, public librarians, digital librarians, special librarians, corporate librarians, archivists and others currently working with metadata, data was collected to determine what Library and Information Science students interested in metadata librarianship need to know to pursue a career in this field. The data collected includes job titles encompassing metadata work, the typical career trajectories of those working in the field, education and training received both prior to and after entering the metadata field, and the most frequently used metadata standards in modern library and information science environments. The results of the study revealed the LIS courses metadata specialists have found most useful to their current work, which standards are most frequently being used and areas where LIS programs could improve current course offerings to provide adequate preparation for LIS students interested in this area.
