School of Information Student Research Journal | School of Information | San Jose State University

A Scholarly Publication for Graduate Student Authors

The Student Research Journal (SRJ) is the foremost double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal developed and led by current graduate students at San Jose State University's School of information. Our goal is threefold: to empower budding researchers, to publish relevant content of the highest quality, and to build an international community of student researchers.

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Based at the School of Information at San José State University, a School within the College of Global and Professional Education, the SRJ is developed and led by current graduate students at the School of Information.

To learn more about the editorial process, go here.

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The SRJ recruits Content Editors and Copy Editors, as well as the positions of Managing Editor Communications Coordinator and Editor-in-Chief. For additional information email the Editor-in-Chief at

Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 2 (2024)

Full Issue


Invited Contribution


Evidence Summary


Odin Halvorson
Managing Editor
Marc Hoffeditz
Communications Coordinator
Erica Enos
Myles Cunningham
Alysia Gilman
Annie Johnson
Pearl Kim
Vanessa Sztym
Kristin Voris
Paige Wallace
Danielle Willett