
Submissions from 2009


The Role of Temperature and Desiccation Stress in Limiting the Local-scale Distribution of the Owl Limpet, Lottia gigantea, Luke P. Miller, Christopher D. G. Harley, and Mark W. Denny


Advances in serpentine geoecology: A retrospective, N Rajakaruna and R S. Boyd


Bringing home the trash: do differences in foraging lead to increased plastic ingestion in Laysan Albatrosses?, L C. Young, C Vanderlip, D C. Duffy, V Afanasyev, and Scott A. Shaffer

Submissions from 2008


Modulation of the NF-κB Pathway by Bordetella pertussis Filamentous Hemagglutinin, Tzvia Abramson, Hassya Kedem, and David A. Relman


Perspectives in Ornithology: Application of tracking and data-logging technology in research and conservation of seabirds, A E. Burger and Scott A. Shaffer


Heat-Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) Expression in Four Limpets of the Genus Lottia: Interspecific Variation in Constitutive and Inducible Synthesis Correlates With in situ Exposure to Heat Stress, Yunwei Dong, Luke Miller, Jon Sanders, and George Somero


Life on the Edge: Morphological and Behavioral Adaptations for Survival on Wave-swept Shores, Luke P. Miller


Wind, waves, and wing loading: Their relative importance to the at-sea distribution and movements of North and Central Pacific albatrosses, R M. Suryan, D J. Anderson, Scott A. Shaffer, D D. Roby, Y Tremblay, D P. Costa, F Sato, K Ozaki, and G Balogh

Submissions from 2007


Corticosterone and foraging behaviour in a pelagic seabird, F Angelier, Scott A. Shaffer, H Weimerskirch, C Trouvé, and O Chastel


Left-right olfactory asymmetry results from antagonistic functions of voltage-activated calcium channels and the Raw repeat protein OLRN-1 in C. elegans, S L. Bauer Haung, Y Saheki, Miri VanHoven, I Torayama, T Ishihara, I Katsura, A Van der Linden, P Sengupta, and C I. Bargmann


Dissecting biological “dark matter” with single-cell genetic analysis of rare and uncultivated TM7 microbes from the human mouth, Yann Marcy, Cleber C. Ouverney, Elisabeth M. Bik, Tina Lösekann, Natalia Ivanova, Hector Garcia Martin, Ernest Szeto, Darren Platt, Philip Hugenholtz, David A. Relman, and Stephen R. Quake


Feeding in extreme flows: behavior compensates for mechanical constraints in barnacle cirri, Luke P. Miller


Barriers to Flow: The Effects of Experimental Cage Structures on Water Velocities in High-energy Subtidal and Intertidal Environments, Luke P. Miller and Brian Gaylord


Dislodged But Not Dead: Survivorship of a High Intertidal Snail Following Wave Dislodgement, Luke P. Miller, Michael J. O'Donnell, and Katharine J. Mach

Submissions from 2006


Thermal Stress on Intertidal Limpets: Long-Term Hindcasts and Lethal Limits, Mark Denny, Luke Miller, and Christopher Harley


A database for the study of marine mammal behavior: Gap analysis, data standardization, and future directions, Scott A. Shaffer and D P. Costa


Validation of water flux and body composition in Glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus), Scott A. Shaffer; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Verreault, J; and Costa, D.P


DNA Damage Responses in Progeroid Syndromes Arise from Defective Maturation of Prelamin A, Michael Sinensky, Y. Liu, A. Rusinol, Y. Wang, and Y. Zou


Farnesylated Lamins, Progeroid Syndromes and Farnesyl Transferase Inhibitors, Michael Sinensky and A. E. Rusinol


Interpolation of tracking data in a fluid environment, Y Tremblay, Scott A. Shaffer, S L. Fowler, C E. Kuhn, B I. McDonald, M J. Weise, C -A Bost, H Weimerskirch, D E. Crocker, M E. Goebel, and D P. Costa

Submissions from 2005


Reduced Macrophage Apoptosis is Associated with Accelerated Atherosclerosis in Low-Denstiy Lipoprotein Receptor-Null Mice, Michael Sinensky, J. Liu, D. P. Thweke, Y. R. Su, M. F. Linton, and S. Fazio

Submissions from 2004


Methanogenic Archaea and human periodontal disease, Paul W. Lepp, Mary M. Brinig, Cleber C. Ouverney, Katherine Palm, Gary C. Armitage, and David A. Relman

Submissions from 2003


The comparative energetics and growth strategies of sympatric Antarctic and sub Antarctic fur seal pups, at Iles Crozet, J PY Arnould, S P. Luque, C Guinet, D P. Costa, J Kingston, and Scott A. Shaffer


Prevalence of Bacteria of Division TM7 in Human Subgingival Plaque and Their Association with Disease, Mary M. Brinig, Paul W. Lepp, Cleber C. Ouverney, Gary C. Armitage, and David A. Relman


Extreme Water Velocities: Topographical Amplification of Wave-Induced Flow in the Surf Zone of Rocky Shores, Mark Denny, Luke Miller, M. Stokes, L. J. H. Hunt, and B. S. T. Helmuth


Cultivation of Tropheryma whipplei from Cerebrospinal Fluid, Matthias Maiwald, Axel von Herbay, David N. Fredricks, Cleber C. Ouverney, Jon C. Kosek, and David A. Relman


Single-Cell Enumeration of an Uncultivated TM7 Subgroup in the, Cleber C. Ouverney, Gary C. Armitage, and David A. Relman

Submissions from 2002


Heart rate and energy expenditure of incubating wandering albatrosses: basal levels, natural variation, and the effects of human disturbance, H Weimerskirch, Scott A. Shaffer, G Mabille, J Martin, O Boutard, and J-L Rouanet

Submissions from 2001


A comparison of methods to evaluate energy expenditure of incubating wandering albatrosses, Scott A. Shaffer, D P. Costa, and H Weimerskirch

Submissions from 2000


Marine Planktonic Archaea Take Up Amino Acids, Cleber C. Ouverney and Jed A. Fuhrman

Submissions from 1999


Combined Microautoradiography–16S rRNA Probe Technique for Determination of Radioisotope Uptake by Specific Microbial Cell Types In Situ, Cleber C. Ouverney and Jed A. Fuhrman

Submissions from 1997


Increase in Fluorescence Intensity of 16S rRNA In Situ Hybridization in Natural Samples Treated with Chloramphenicol, Cleber C. Ouverney and Jed A. Fuhrman

Submissions from 1994


The Processing Pathway of Prelamin A, Michael Sinensky, K. Fantle, M. Trujillo, T. McLain, A. Kupfer, and M. Dalton


Expression of Prelamin A Confers Sensitivity of DNA Biosynthesis to Lovastatin on F9 Teratocarcinoma Cells, Michael Sinensky, T. McLain, and K. Fantle

Submissions from 1990


Isoprenylation is Required for the Processing of the Lamin A Precursor, Michael Sinensky, L. A. Beck, and T. J. Hosick

Submissions from 1988


Incorporation of a Product of Mevalonic Acid Metabolism Into Proteins of Chinese Hamster Ovary Nuclei, Michael Sinensky, L. A. Beck, and T. Hosick

Submissions from 1980


Adaptative Alteration in Phospholipid Composition of Plasma Membranes from a Somatic Cell Mutant Defective in the Regulation of Cholesterol Biosynthesis, Michael Sinensky