Document Type
Publication Date
January 2015
Publication Title
Neurolingwistyka Praktyczna
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bilingualism, multilingualism, multiculturalism, speech-language pathologists/ therapists (SLPs/SLTs), interpreters, intervention, collaboration
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Speech and Hearing Science | Speech Pathology and Audiology
Due to the constantly evolving global demographic situation, speech-language therapists (SLTs, also: speech-language pathologists – SLPs) have to deal with an increasing workload of bilingual/multilingual clients. This article presents results of a survey conducted among Polish SLTs aimed at investigating their views with regards to the possibility of collaboration with an interpreter during therapeutic intervention. The original version of the questionnaire (Gaweł & Węsierska, 2014) used in this survey was filled out by 206 respondents from different areas across Poland. The following issues were addressed in the study: the SLTs’ views on the incidence of bilingualism in Poland, their self-evaluation of the extent of their theoretical and practical preparation for working with bilingual clients, the SLTs’ views on the likelihood of collaboration with an interpreter, and the SLTs’ perception of the interpreter’s role in this process. The results of the study indicate the need to raise awareness of bilingualism/multilingualism, as well as to develop solutions at a systemic level, and introduce professional training programs for SLTs and interpreters.
Recommended Citation
Katarzyna Gaweł, Henriette Langdon, and Katarzyna Węsierska. "Interpreter-assisted Speech-language Intervention in Poland: Needs, Possibilities and Prospects (Współpraca polskiego logopedy z tłumaczem – potrzeby, możliwości i perspektywy)" Neurolingwistyka Praktyczna (2015): 50-65.
Included in
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Speech and Hearing Science Commons, Speech Pathology and Audiology Commons
This article was published by the Department of Neurolinguistics at the Institute of Polish Philology (Zakładu Neurolingwistyki Instytutu Filologii Polskiej) and appeared in Neurolingwistyka Praktyczna, volume 1, 2015.