Jensen, Billie Barnes (1933-2025)

Jensen, Billie Barnes (1933-2025)

Date Updated




Academic Rank


Year Retired from SJSU


Educational Background

University of Colorado (magna cum laude), 1955, BA

University of Colorado, 1959, MA

University of Colorado, 1962, PhD

Teaching Experience

University of Colorado, Denver Extension 1961-1962

San José State University 1962-2001

Selected Publications

These articles show my various research interests:

"The House Missions: Unofficial Diplomacy in the Neutrality Period." In Essays in Twentieth Century Diplomacy, 1-41.

"Woodrow Wilson's Intervention in the Coal Strike of 1914." Labor History 15:63-77.

"Philip Dru: Blueprint of a Presidential Adviser." American Studies 12:49-58.

"A Social Gospel Experiment in Newspaper Reform: Charles M. Sheldon and the Topeka Daily Capital." Church History 33:74-83.

"Anti-Suffrage Women, Gender Issues, and Woman Suffrage in the West." Journal of the West 32:41-51.

"Confederate Sentiment in Colorado." Brand Book 13:85-118.

"Let the Women Vote." Colorado Magazine 41:13-25

"Alaska's Pre-Klondike Mining." Journal of the West 6:417-32.

"Entertaining the 'Fifty-Niners'. Journal of the West 5:82-90.

"Colorado Woman Suffrage Campaigns of the 1870s." Journal of the West 12:254-71.


Jensen, Billie Barnes (1933-2025)
