Date Updated
Humanities (Religious Studies)
Academic Rank
Professor Emeritus
Year Retired from SJSU
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Educational Background
University of California, Santa Barbara, Religious Studies, B.A., 1970
University of British Columbia, Religious Studies, M.A., 1974
University of Southern California, Religion (East Asian Studies), Ph.D., 1980
Dissertation Title
Audience Ceremonies of the Ch'ing Dynasty: A Study of the Ethico-Religious Dimension of the Confucian State
Teaching Experience
San Jose State University (1985-2020)
Administrative and Professional Experience
Humanities Department Chair (2003-2015)
Director, Center for Asian Studies (1994-2020)
Resident Director, CSU International Programs Center, Beijing Study Center, Peking University (2008-09)
Humanities Department Curriculum, RTP, Policy Committees
College of H&A Curriculum, Research and Sabbatical leave Committees International Programs and Students Committee (2011-2014)
CSU, API Internationalizing the Curriculum project Co-Director (1987-89)
CSU Academic Council on International Programs, SJSU Representative (1990-1991; 2011-14)
Academic Senate (1989-1992)
Selected Publications
Christian Jochim. Zhongguo de zongjiao jingshen 中國的宗教精神 (China's Religious Ethos). A Chinese translation of Chinese Religions: A Cultural Perspective Beijing (1991)
Christian Jochim. Chinese Religions: A Cultural Perspective. Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1986)
Contribution to Books
Christian Jochim. “Confucianism and Modern Culture,” in Oxford Handbook on Confucianism, ed. Jennifer Oldstone Moore, 471-484. New York: Oxford (2023)
Christian Jochim. "Popular Lay Sects and Confucianism: A Study Based on the Yiguan Dao in Postwar Taiwan" Sankt Augustin The People and the Dao: New Studies of Chinese Religions in Honour of Prof. Daniel L. Overmyer (2009)
Christian Jochim. "Popular Religion in China" New York The Oxford Handbook of Global Religions (2006)
Christian Jochim. "Confucianism (major article)" Detroit Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices (2006)
Christian Jochim. "Interpreting Confucian Spirituality in Postwar Taiwan: The New Confucians and Their Critics" In Confucian Spirituality Vol. 2, edited by Weiming Tu and Mary Evelyn Tucker, 399–421. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company (2004)
Christian Jochim. "Carrying Confucianism into the Modern World: The Taiwan Case" HonoluluReligion in Modern Taiwan: Tradition and Innovation in a Changing Society (2003)
Christian Jochim. "Chinese Beliefs" New YorkEncyclopedia of Death and Dying (2003)
Christian Jochim. "Confucianism: An Overview" New YorkEncyclopedia of Women and World Religions (1999)
Christian Jochim. "Confucianism: Modern Movements" New York Encyclopedia of Women and World Religions (1999)
Christian Jochim. "Zhanhou guomin zhengfu yu rujia sixiang: xixue wei ti, zhongxue wei yong”? 戰後國民政府與儒家思想: 西學為體 中學為用? (The Nationalist Government and Confucianism in Postwar Taiwan: “Western Learning as Substance, Chinese Learning as Means”?)" Taipei Taiwan de wenhua fazhan: shijizhijiaode xiangsi 台灣的文化發展: 世紀之交的省思 (The development of Taiwan’s culture: reflections at the turn of the century) (1999)
Christian Jochim. "Just Say No to 'No Self' in Zhuangzi.” In Wandering at Ease in the Zhuangzi, edited by Roger T. Ames, 35–74. Albany: State University of New York Press (1998)
Christian Jochim. "Some Observations on Recent Chinese Works About Confucianism, Protestantism, and Economic Modernization" Cambridge, England Religion and Modernization in China: Proceedings of the Regional Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions held in Beijing, China, April 1992 (1995)
Christian Jochim. "The Contemporary Confucian-Christian Encounter: Interreligious or Intrareligious Dialogue" Journal of Ecumenical Studies Vol. 32 Iss. 1 (1995)
Christian Jochim. "The Third International Confucian-Christian Conference Held in Boston" Journal of Ecumenical Studies Vol. 31 Iss. 3-4 (1994)
Christian Jochim and Marylou Lewandowski. "Internationalizing at Home" Long BeachInternationalizing the California State University: Case Studies (1992)
Christian Jochim. "A Report on the 'International Academic Conference on Religion,' Beijing , April 6-10, 1992" Journal of Chinese Religions Vol. 20 (1992)
Christian Jochim. "Confucius and Capitalism: Views of Confucianism in Works on Confucian Ethics and Economic Development" Journal of Chinese Religions Vol. 20 (1992)
Christian Jochim. "Dangqian guanyu rujia, jidu xinjiao han jingji xiandaihua bianlun de yixie guan cha 當前關於儒家基督教信和經濟現代化辯論的一些觀察(translation of "Some Observations on the Current Debate about Confucianism, Protestantism, and Economic Modernization" World Religions Materials Iss. 4 (1992)
Christian Jochim and Marylou Lewandowski. "Internationalizing at Home" Long Beach Internationalizing the California State University: Case Studies (1992)
Christian Jochim and Rodney Taylor. "Laurence G. Thompson: Biographical and Bibliographical Footnotes" Journal of Chinese Religions Vol. 20 (1992)
Christian Jochim. "A Report on the 'International Academic Conference on Religion,' Beijing , April 6-10, 1992" Method and Theory in the Study of Religion Vol. 3 Iss. 2 (1991)
Christian Jochim. ""Flowers, Fruit, and Incense Only: Elite versus Popular in Taiwan's Religion of the Yellow Emperor" Modern China Vol. 16 Iss. 1 (1990)
Christian Jochim. "'Great' and 'Little,' 'Grid' and 'Group': Defining the Poles of the Elite-Popular Continuum in Chinese Religion" Journal of Chinese Religions Vol. 16 (1988)
Christian Jochim. "Naturalistic Ethics in a Chinese Context: Chang Tsai's Contribution" Philosophy East and West Vol. 31 Iss. 2 (1981)
Christian Jochim. "Ethical Analysis of an Ancient Debate: Moists versus Confucians" Journal of Religious Ethics Vol. 8 (1980)
Christian Jochim. "Imperial Audience Ceremonies of the Ch'ing Dynasty" Bulletin: Society for the Study of Chinese Religions Vol. 7 (1979)
Other Publications
Christian Jochim. "Chinese City God Temples and Festival Processions,(five 10 page texts, with slide sets)" (1992)
Christian Jochim. "Commemorative Rites for Master Kong (Confucius), (five 10 page texts, with slide sets)" (1992)
Christian Jochim. "Religious Places and Practices of Asians in California, (five 10 page texts, with slide sets)" (1992)
Christian Jochim. "Theravada New Robes Ceremony by Cambodians in California, (five 10 page texts, with slide sets)" (1992)
Christian Jochim. "Firewalking and other Rites on the Birthday of Bao-sheng Da-di in Taiwan, (five 10 page texts, with slide sets)" (1992)
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Personal Commentary
Christian Jochim was Professor of Humanities (Comparative Religious Studies and Asian Studies) and Director of the Center for Asian Studies at San Jose State University. He received his Ph.D. in Religion (and East Asian Studies) at University of Southern California (1980). He taught in the area of Asian religions and culture. He is the author of Chinese Religions: A Cultural Perspective in the Prentice-Hall Series in World Religions (1986). He has published many articles on Chinese religion and philosophy in Journal of Chinese Religions, Modern China, Philosophy East and West, and other journals and compilations. Currently, he continues to study Chinese religion and philosophy, and, since retirement, has increased his study of the local history of Chinese Americans in California.