Parry, Joan K.(1928-2008)
Date Updated
Social Work
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
Educational Background
Yeshiva, 1983 DSW
Adelphi, 1967 MSW
Columbia University, 1950 BS
Teaching Experience
San Jose State University, 1986-1993
Hunter College, NYC (full‑time), 1980-1984
Adeiphi and Fordham (part‑time), 1977-1980
Administrative and Professional Experience
Director of Social Work, Glen Cove Community Hospital, New York.
Group Work Manager for Family Service, Nassau, New York.
Psychiatric Social Worker for Mental Health Clinic, New York.
Selected Publications
Social Work Theory and Practice with the Terminally III, 1989.
Social Work Practice with the Terminally Ilk A Transcultural Perspective, 1990.
A Cross Cultural Look at Death, Dying and Religion, 1995.
From Prevention to Wellness Through Group Work, 1997‑‑in Press.
Twenty articles.
Personal Commentary
Was responsible for planning and putting in place the XVII Annual Symposium for the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups in San Diego. The planning took 18 months and we had over 300 in attendance.
Date Completed: 6/96
Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.