Özemek, Haluk
Date Updated
Computer Engineering
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
Educational Background
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Electrical Engineering, 1979 PhD
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Electrical Engineering, 1976 MS
Istanbul Devlet Mühendislik Mimarlik Akademisi (Turkey), Electrical Engineering, 1973 BS
Dissertation Title
A microcomputer coupled electrode system for in vivo determination of myocardial conduction velocity
Teaching Experience
Computer Engineering, San Jose State University, 1982 – 2019
Cardiology, Internal medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,1979-1982
Courses Taught: Digital Systems, Digital Logic, Control Systems, Electronics, Computer Architecture, Microprocessors, Microcomputer Applications, Microprocessor Interfacing, Embedded Systems, Electric Circuits, Assembly Language, Structured Programming, Programming Concepts and Methodology,Senior Design Project, Masters Project.
Short Courses for the Industry:
Embedded system Design (Applied Materials)
Digital Circuit Design, Computer Architecture, Microprocessors, Microcomputer Design. (United Defense, BAE Systems, LMCO).
Administrative and Professional Experience
Computer Engineering, Chairman, San Jose State University, 6 years.
Industrial Experience:
- Consultant, MAR Electronics, Inc., Izmir, Turkey
- Consultant, Veritel, Inc., Istanbul, Turkey,
- Consultant, American Microsystems, Inc., Santa Clara, California.
- Vice President, Digital Design Corporation, Little Rock, Arkansas.
- Biomedical Engineer, Department of Research, Veterans Administration Hospital; Little Rock, Arkansas.
Design Experience:
- Microcomputer system for controlling "Residential Mazes, and Auditory Startle Chambers". (Government contract) National Center for Toxicological Research, 1982
- Microcomputer system for controlling "Discrimination Learning Chambers". (Government contract) National Center for Toxicological Research, 1982.
- Microcomputer system for controlling the "Pulmonary Function Laboratory", (Government contract) Veterans Administration Hospital, 1982.
- Microcomputer system for detecting "Ventricular Fibrillation", University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 1981.
- Microcomputer controlled electrode system for measuring the "Myocardial Conduction Velocity", University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 1978.
- Graduate Coordinator, Computer Engineering Department, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, 1994 - 1997.
- Undergraduate Coordinator, Computer Engineering Department, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, 1984 - 1987, 1994 - 1997.
- Director, of:
- Digital Design Lab., San Jose State University, 1984 - 2018.
- Undergraduate Microprocessor Hardware Design Lab., San Jose State University, 1982 - 2018.
- Graduate Microcomputer Hardware and Software Design Lab., San Jose State University, 1982 - 1987.
- Cardiovascular Research Lab., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
Committee Assignments:
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
- Graduate Curriculum Committee.
- Recruitment Committee.
- Computer Engineering Program Development Committee.
- Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee.
- Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee.
- Engineering Excellence Day Steering Committee.
- Research Committee.
- Meritorious Performance and Promise Award Committee.
- Senator, 1993 - 1996.
- Instruction and Student Affairs Committee 1994 - 1996.
- Planning, Safety and Finance Committee 1993 - 1994.
- Sabbatical Leave Committee, 1990 - 1991.
- Committee on Committees, 1990 - 1992.
- Late - Add (Retention, Tenure, and Promotion), 1987 - 1988.
- Academic Senate Library Committee, 1985 - 1987.
- International Student Advisory Committee, 1986 - 1987.
- Graduate Advisor.
- Undergraduate Advisor.
Selected Publications
- Özemek, H.S., Kang P., Nguyen, A.K., Badhan,P. A Sophomore-level Programming Concepts and Methodology course in Computer Engineering covering both hardware and software: ASEE 2009.
- Adams, J., Oglesby, D. M., Özemek, H. S., Rath, J., Kimmel, C. A. and Buelke-Sam, J. Collaborative Behavioral Teratology Study: Programmed Data Entry and Automated Test Systems, "Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Peritonology", Dec. - Jan. 1985.
- Dobbs, S. E., N. M. Schimitt, H. S. Özemek. QRS Detection template matching using real-time correlation on a microcomputer. Journal of Clinical Engineering, Vol. 9 No. 3, July-September, 1984, p. 197.
- Özemek, H. S., J. K. Bissett, J. W. Watson, N. D. de Soyza, and C. M. Jones. Real-time fast fourier analysis of QRS complexes in patients with heart disease. AAMI 17th Ann. Meeting, San Francisco, May 9 - 12, 1982, p. 95.
- Özemek, H. S., J. Adams, D. M. Oglesby, J. Rath, C. A. Kimmel, and J. Buelke-Sam. A microcomputer based system for detecting behavioral changes in rats exposed to toxicological agents. Proc. AAMI 17th Ann. Meeting, San Francisco, May 9 - 12,1982, p. 95.
- Özemek, H. S., J. Adams, D. M. Oglesby, J. Rath, J. Buelke-Sam, and C. A. Kimmel, A microcomputer-controlled laboratory for the measurement of visual discrimination learning in rodents. Proceeding of the Tenth Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, May 15 - 16, 1982, p. 56.
- Bissett, J. K., J. W. Watson, M. M. Matthews and Özemek, H. S., Rate dependent variation in concealed bigeminy. Journal of Electrocardiology, 15(3), 1982, p. 295.
- Özemek, H. S., N. M. Schimitt and M. E. Soulsby. Coiled multiple electrode system for intramuscular determination of in vivo myocardial conduction velocity. Journal of Clinical Engineering, Vol. 7 No. 2, April-June, 1982, p. 143.
- Bissett, J. K., M. M. Matthews, N. D. M. de Soyza, J. W. Watson, H. S. Özemek and J. M. Jones. Premature ventricular beats in acute myocardial infarction: Random distribution or concealed ventricular arrhythmia. Clin. Res. Vol. 29:5, 1981, p.853A.
- Özemek, H. S., J. W. Watson, M. M. Matthews, C. M. Jones, J. K. Bissett. Fourier analysis of QRS complexes in patients with intra ventricular conduction defects. Clin. Res. Vol. 29:5, 1981, p. 856A.
- Özemek, H. S., J. K. Bissett, J. W. Watson, J. S. Scovil. Detection of ventricular fibrillation by microcomputer. Journal of Clinical Engineering. Vol. 6, No. 3, July-September, 1981, p. 203.
- Özemek, H. S., and J. K. Bissett. Can an implantable microcomputer prevent sudden cardiac death? Third National Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, October 22-24, Orlando, Florida, 1980.
- Mc Connel, J. R., H. S. Özemek, D. M. Oglesby, and G. Griggs. A pulmonary physiology test and monitoring system implemented with a desk top calculator. Third National Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, October 22-24, Orlando, Florida, 1980.
- Özemek, H. S., and J. K. Bissett. Analysis of ventricular arrthymias by limited microprocessor system: the pacemaker of the future. Circulation 62:III-288, 1980.
- Özemek, H. S., J. K. Bissett, N. M. Schmitt, D. M. Oglesby, and M. E. Soulsby. Detection of cardiac fibrillation using a microcomputer coupled with intramyocardial electrodes. Proc. AMI 15th Ann. Meeting, San Francisco, p. 158, April 1980.
- Özemek, H. S., M. E. Soulsby, N. M. Schmitt, J. K. Bissett, J. W. Watson and J. A. Scovil. Is an implantable computer feasible for detection of ventricular fibrillation and prevention of sudden death? Clin. Res. 27:730A. 1979.
- Özemek, H. S., M. E. Soulsby, N. M. Schmitt, and J. K. Bissett. Microcomputer system for in vivo myocardial measurements. Proc. All. Eng. Med. Biol. 21:163, October 1979.
- Özemek, H. S., M. E. Soulsby, N. M. Schmitt, and J. K. Bissett. A microcomputer coupled multiple electrode system to monitor in vivo myocardial electrical activity. Proc. AAMI 14th Ann. Meet., Las Vegas, p. 189, May 1979.
- Özemek, H. S., A microcomputer coupled electrode system for in vivo determination of myocardial conduction velocity. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, 1979.
- Özemek, H. S., N. M. Schmitt, and M. E. Soulsby. Miniature electrode for in vivo cardiac muscle measurements. Proc. All. Eng. Med. Biol. 20:358, 1978.
- Özemek, H. S., A tool to study minicomputer organization. M. S. Thesis University of Arkansas, 1976.
Personal Commentary
Other significant professional achievements:
Awards and Scholarships:
Research and Educational Grants: