Zidnak, Pete (1917-2000)
Date Updated
School of Business, Manpower Administration
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
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Pete Zidnak Collection of San Jose State University Sports History
Educational Background
University of Southern California, 1955 Ph.D.
University of Southern California, 1950 MA
Loyola Los Angeles, 1949 BS
Teaching Experience
San Jose State University, 1957- 1982
Arizona State University (Economics/Business), 1951-1956
Administrative and Professional Experience
San Jose State University:
Asst. to Dean, School of Business, 1958-1963
Director, Inst. of Indust. Rel., 1961-1962
Chairman, Manpower Admn. Dept. , 1968-1971
Secretary, Phi Kappa Phi, 1960-1965
Faculty Coord., Dist. Bus. Sem. Series, 1966
Chairman, Faculty Comm. for Accred., 1967
Director, J.C. Penney Co‑School of Bus., Minority Program, 1968
Helped plan, organize and initiate:
Santa Clara County Industrial Safety Conferences, 1959;
Conferences for Women in Business, 1961‑62;
Visiting Scholar Program, 1962‑64;
Honors Convocation, 1962‑65;
Scholar in Residence Program, 1965;
Executive in Residence Programs, 1975;
Equal Employment Opportunity Course, 1969‑70.
Served on numerous University, School of Business, and Department Committees including Board of Athletic Control, Promotion, Tenure, Special Personnel Problems, Search for Library Director, School of Business Personnel Committees (Promotion and Retention). 1980: Area Personnel Committee and Decanal Search Committee for School of Business.
Stanford Research Institute, 1956‑57.
Board of Directors, Maricopa County (Arizona) Society for Crippled Children, 1956-57.
Member, Board of Directors, Santa Clara Valley Personnel Association, 1964, 65, 68.
President, Santa Clara Valley Personnel Association, 1966‑67.
Member, Advisory Committee, Nor Cal Section, PGA of America, 1965‑90.
Consultant, Education Committee of PGA of America, 1965‑66.
Board of Directors, Consumer Credit Counselors of Central Santa Clara County, 1967‑71.
Member, Education Committee, State of California Consumer Credit Counselors, 1968.
Advisory Committee, Operation Mainstream‑‑Adult Work Training Program (EOC), 1968‑69.
Chairman, Human and Social Values Subcommittee of City of San Jose Goals Committee, 1967, 1968.
Member, Founding Board of Directors, Friends of Overfeit Gardens, 1969.
Advisory Council, San Jose Human Resources Development Center, 1970.
Seminars and Speaking Assignments:
With various corporations and institutions including, among others, IBM, Pacific Valley Bank, Western Electric, General Electric, Transamerica Delaval/Management Club, Bell Northern Research, California Department of Motor Vehicle Managers Assoc., Pacific Traffic Assn., Professional Golfers Association of America, California Heart Association Professional Society, US Army, Santa Clara‑San Benito Counties Pipe Trades Apprentice and Training Committee, San Jose Chamber of Commerce, SJSU Occupational Safety and Health Conferences, California Loan and Finance Association, Sylvania Management Club, plus numerous service clubs and golf clubs and associations.
Personal Commentary
Honorary Membership, Northern California Professional Golfers Association
California Golf Writers Association GOLDEN STATE AWARD for service to Golf in 1992.
Date Completed: 9/96
Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.