Schultz-Krohn, Winifred
Date Updated
Occupational Therapy
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
Educational Background
Saybrook Graduate School, San Francisco, CA, Human Science, Doctor of Philosophy, 2002
University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT, Neuroscience - Psychology, Master of Arts,1987
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Occupational Therapy, Bachelor of Science, 1977
Dissertation Title
A Qualitative Investigation of the Engagement in Meaningful Family Activities and Routines by Homeless Parents
Teaching Experience
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
- Professor, Occupational Therapy 2007-2022
- Chair of Occupational Therapy2015-2020
- Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy 2003-2007
- Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy 1996–2003
University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT
- Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy 1993-1996
- Adjunct Faculty, Occupational Therapy & Neuroscience Programs 1988-1992
Quinnipiac College, Hamden, CT
- Adjunct Faculty, Occupational Therapy Program 1988-1992
Administrative and Professional Experience
San Jose State University, Department of Occupational Therapy
- Chair of Occupational Therapy 2015 to 2020
Children’s Therapy Works Fairfield, CA
- Occupational Therapist, part-time 2022 – present
Hope Services, Homestart San Jose, CA
- Occupational Therapist, Independent Contractor 2020 – 2022
Family Supportive Housing Shelter, San Jose, CA
- Occupational Therapist, pro bono position 1999 – 2022
Children’s Health Council, Palo Alto, CA
- Part-time Occupational Therapist 1996 – 2018
Newington Children’s Hospital, Newington, CT
- Part-time Senior Occupational Therapist 1993-1996
- Clinical Supervisor, Occupational Therapy Department 1982 - 1993
Hartford Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center, Hartford, CT
- Senior Occupational Therapist 1979 - 1982
Brainerd Ind. School District 181, Brainerd, MN
- Occupational Therapist 1977 - 1979
University Level Committees:
- Member of the Academic Senate 2007 to 2022
- Elected Chair of the Professional Standards Policy Committee 2021 - 2022
- Elected Chair of the Curriculum and Research Policy Colimittee2017 - 2018
- Elected Associate Vice Chair of the Academic Senate;
- Chaired Committee on Committees 2016 - 2017
- Elected Faculty At Large to the Executive Committee 2016
- Member of the SJSU Curriculum and Research Committee 2007 to 2015; 2017 to 2021
- Member of the San Jose State University Sabbatical Leave Committee 2013 to 2015
- Program Planning Committee of San Jose State University 2001 to 2007
- Served as Co-Chair of the committee for AY 2002-2003 and 2003-2004
- Special Service to San Jose State University
- Member of the Campus Master Planning Advisory Committee 2020 – 2022
- Member of the Dean’s Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences 2019-2020
- Member of the Director of the Center for Faculty Development Search Committee 2019
- Member of the Senior Director of Faculty Affairs Search Committee 2019
- Member of the Outstanding Professor Selection Committee 2014-2021
- Member of the Provost Search Committee 2018-2019
- Invited member of the SJSU Case Campaign 2017-2018
- Chair of the AVP for Faculty and Student Success Search Committee 2016-2017
- Chair of the Dean’s Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Applied Sciences and Arts. 2014 to 2015
- Steering Committee Member for the Accreditation of San Jose State University through the Western Accreditation of Schools and Colleges (WASC) 2012 to 2015
College Level Committees:NOTE: College of Applied Arts and Sciences (CASA) changed to the College of Health and Human Sciences (CHHS) in 2019
- Member of the Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee in CHHS 2021-2022; 2012-2015; Chair of this committee:2021-2022; 2014-2015
- Member of the CHHS Chairs and Directors Committee 2015-2020
- Research and Faculty Development in the College of Applied Sciences and Arts (CASA) 2001 to 2007; Chair of this committee 2003-2004
- Faculty representative to the Student Affairs committee in CASA 2000-2001
Department Level Committees in the Occupational Therapy Program:
- Occupational Therapy Recruitment Committee (not operating every year) 2004 to 2022
- Curriculum Revisions Committee, 2011 to 2022; Chair 2011-2012
- Graduate Admissions Committee 2009 to 2022
- Personnel Committee, 2004 to 2022; Chair 2010-2011
- Undergraduate Admissions Committee 2003 to 2012
- Scholarship Committee, 2002 to 2022; Chair 2017-2022
- Curriculum Committee, 1997 to 2022; Chair 1997-1999
Selected Publications
Schultz-Krohn, W, Winter, E, Mena, E, Roozeboom, A, Vu, L (2021). The lived experience of mothers who are homeless and participated in an occupational therapy leisure craft group. Occupational therapy in Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/0164212X.2021.1881022 https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/faculty_rsca/2857/
Schultz-Krohn, W. & Wagle, A (2021). Best practices in supporting mealtimes and nutritional needs (Adaptive Skills). In G. Frolek Clark & S Parks (Eds) Best Practices for Occupational Therapy in Early Childhood. (pp. 243 - 255). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Carlson, T, Stoffel, A, Khetani, MA, Schultz-Krohn, W (2020) Assessment and treatment of instrumental activities of daily living and leisure. In JC O’Brien & H Kuhanek (Eds) Case-Smith’s Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents, 8th Ed. (315 – 337) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Schultz-Krohn, W (2019). Accreditation related to education. In K. Jacobs & GL McCormack (Eds) The Occupational Therapy Manager, 6th Ed. (pp. 529 – 536). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Schultz-Krohn, W & Frolek Clark, G (2019). Best practices in school mealtimes to enhance participation. In G. Frolek Clark, JE Rioux, & BE Chandler (Eds). Best Practices for Occupational Therapy in Schools, 2nd Ed. (pp.395 – 404). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Schultz-Krohn, W (2019). Best practices in cognition and executive functioning to enhance participation. In G. Frolek Clark, JE Rioux, & BE Chandler (Eds). Best Practices for Occupational Therapy in Schools, 2nd Ed. (pp. 457 – 464). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Schultz-Krohn, W, Walter, S, Stroud, M, Marrah, S, Stonesifer, C, Liao, YK (2019). Autonomous vehicles, design thinking and occupational therapy. OT Practice, December, 2019 20-22. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Schultz-Krohn, W & Tyminski, Q (2018). Community-built occupational therapy services for those who are homeless. OT Practice, June, 2018, CE 1-9. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/faculty_rsca/4463/
Schultz-Krohn, W (2018). Competence and professional development. In BAB Schell & G Gillen (Eds) Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy, 13th Ed., (pp. 1100 – 1115). Hagerstown, MD: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Pendleton, HM & Schultz-Krohn, WA. (2017) Pedretti’s Occupational Therapy Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction 8th Ed.. Co-Editor of this textbook and co-authored five chapters in this edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/faculty_books/203/
Schultz-Krohn, W., James, A.B., Nonaillada, J. (2017) Continuing Professional Development – How it fits with practice. OT Practice, March 27, 2017 22-24. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Schultz-Krohn, W. (2015) Occupational Therapy Pediatric Practice and the New DSM-5. OT Practice, August 24, 2015 17-18. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Schultz-Krohn, W. (2014). Assessments of occupational performance. In I.E. Asher (Ed.) Occupational Therapy Assessment Tools 4th Ed. (pp.31-54). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Schultz-Krohn, W (2012). Developing fieldwork experiences: Examples from early intervention and school-based practice. OT Practice, January 23, 2012. (CE 1-8). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Winifred Schultz-Krohn and Heidi McHugh Pendleton. Pedretti’s Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction. (2012) https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/faculty_books/26/
Frolek Clark, G & Schultz-Krohn, W (2011) Professional development for early intervention and school-based practitioners. OT Practice, February 7, 2011. (pp.18-19). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W & Frolek Clark, G (2010) Being AOTA certified: Small steps, big rewards. OT Practice, November 8, 2010. (pp.16, 19). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W. & Schell, B.A.B.(2010). Board and specialty certification 101. OT Practice, September 13, 2010. (pp.22 - 23). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W. & Schell, B.A.B.(2010). Don’t go it alone: Seeking guidance to explore and implement evidence. OT Practice, February 8, 2010. (pp.6, 19). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W. & Schell, B.A.B.(2009).Check your assumptions. OT Practice November 9, 2009. (pp.9). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W. (2009). How to be a reflective practitioner. OT Practice October 12, 2009. (pp.20, 22). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W. (2009). Continuing competence as an ethical response to practice. OT Practice September 14, 2009. (pp.16, 18). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W. (2009). Volunteer service as professional development. OT Practice June 15, 2009. (pp.20). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W. (2009). Working with homeless families. OT Practice March 23, 2009. (pp.19-20). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, W. Boerner, A, Dinh, H, & Phelan, M. (2008). Handwriting Without Tears – A short term intervention for children living in a homeless shelter. Journal of Occupational Therapy, School, & Early Intervention, 1, 271-282.
Schultz-Krohn, W, Drnek, S & Powell, K (2006). Occupational therapy intervention to foster goal setting skills for homeless mothers. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 20, 149-166.
Schultz-Krohn, W. (2006). Feeding and eating for infants and toddlers. OT Practice May 29, 2006. (pp. 16-20). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association
Schultz-Krohn, WA (2004). The meaning of family routines in a homeless shelter. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 531-542.
Schultz-Krohn, WA & Richardson, P. (2002). Visual motor skills in homeless children. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 16, 15 – 28.
Winifred A. Schultz-Krohn. "Learning objectives for the fieldwork experience" Thorofare, NJThe Successful Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Student (2002)
Schultz-Krohn, W. (2001). Multicultural considerations in school-based occupational therapy. School System Special Interest Section Quarterly, 8 (4), 1-4.
Schultz-Krohn, WA & Cara, E. (2000). Occupational therapy in early intervention: Applying concepts from infant mental health. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54, 550-554.
Schultz-Krohn, WA (1997). Early intervention: Meeting the unique needs of parent-child interaction. Infants and Young Children, 10, 47 - 60.

Personal Commentary
I am still involved in SJSU and teach an occasional course in the occupational therapy program. I still practice as an occupational therapist serving families with young children who have special needs. I moved to Vacaville and volunteer at both an animal sanctuary and serving meals to those who are unhoused. In my spare time I am still quilting and singing in various groups!
Professor Schultz-Krohn, Ph.D, OTR/L, BCP, SWC, FAOTA, came to San Jose State University from the University of Hartford, CT. She was originally from Minnesota and received her B.S. degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Minnesota and earned her M.A. degree in Neuroscience from the University of Hartford. She taught at the University of Hartford in both the Occupational Therapy program and the graduate Neuroscience program. Dr. Schultz-Krohn has substantial experience in the area of pediatrics and is a Board Certified Pediatric (BCP) Occupational Therapist and a Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association (FAOTA). She has expertise in the area of feeding and eating and is Swallow Certified (SWC) by the California Board of Occupational Therapy. Professor Schultz-Krohn earned her doctoral degree from Saybrook Graduate, San Francisco. Scholarly interests include pediatrics, family centered intervention, families and children who are faced with homelessness and living in shelters, individuals who have feeding problems, neurological disorders and neurological rehabilitation. Dr. Schultz-Krohn is on several journal editorial boards along with being a co-editor of the textbook Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction. Professor Schultz-Krohn served as the chair of the American Occupational Therapy Association Commission of Continuing Competence and Professional Development and then as chair of the American Occupational Therapy Association Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Committee. She served as the faculty advisor for the SJSU chapter of Pi Theta Epsilon, the honor society for Occupational Therapy from it's beginning at SJSU in 2008 until her retirement in 2022. She continues to serve as the Co-Chair of the California Foundation for Occupational Therapy Scholarship and Traineeship Committee.