Date Updated
Department of Communicative Disorders
Academic Rank
Professor Emerita
Year Retired from SJSU
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Educational Background
University of California, Berkeley & SFSU, Doctoral Program - Ph.D. - 1991
- Major - Special Education Emphasis in Neuro-Speech Pathology and Psychology
California State University, Fresno, M.A. - 1980
- Major - Speech Pathology
California State University, Fresno, B.A. - 1978
- Major - Communicative Disorders
University of San Francisco, San Francisco 1974-77
- Major – Pre-Medicine: Biological Sciences
- Minor – Theology and Philosophy
Dissertation Title
A Pragmatic Analysis of Communication Skills of Children with Behavior Disorders, Dissertation Archives, Washington, D.C.
Teaching Experience
9/2021-current Retired - Professor Emeritus SJSU – CD&S Department
9/20-7/21 Ferp Professor – SJSU – CD&S Dept.
9/05-7/20 Full Professor/Clinical Supervisor–SJSU - CD&S Department
9/98-6/03 Associate Professor - Tenured, SJSU.
9/92-8/98 Assistant Professor - San Jose State University. CD&S Program.
9/91-5/92 Lecturer - San Jose State University, CD&S Program, Dept of SPED
9/91-12/91 Lecturer - San Francisco City College
1/85-5/91 Lecturer - San Francisco State University - Communicative Disorders
Administrative and Professional Experience
2011-2014 SCSHHA Board Member (3 year term) -President-Elect, President, Past-President.
7/01-7/04 Department Chair – SJSU Communicative Disorders & Sciences Dept.
9/00-6/01 Program Director - CD&S Program, SJSU
9/99-7/00 Fair Hearing Consultant & Diagnostician – SLP Private Practice
1/83-7/85 Growing Mind School, Berkeley – Neuro speech language pathologist
9/87-6/97 Erikson Private School for Behavior Disorders. Neuro SLP - Private Contract
10/80-8/82 Valley Children's Hospital, Fresno. Speech Pathologist
Selected Publications
Novak, J., Gerc, K., Levy, M. (2020). Resiliency in parents and family system profiles of autistic children encompassing social, cultural and axiological contexts. [In:] Gerc, K, Piasecka, B. Axiological conditions of mental resilience and health. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.
Gerc, K., Jurek, M., Novak, J. (2020). Resilience, social functioning and quality of life considerations as found in the narratives of high-functioning autistic adults.
[In:] Gerc, K., Piasecka, B. Axiological conditions of mental resilience and health. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.
Novak, J. (2018). Building awareness of diversity in the treatment of autism: Moving from a historical precedence set by Kanner to the current collaborative healing trend to create resilient outcomes for families. [In:] Ostrowski, T., Piasecka, B., Gerc, K. Resilience and health challenges for an individual family and community. (pp. 139-158). Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.
Novak, J. (2017). The preservation of YOU: Leading to the cultural awareness of the ultimate WE. IOV Youth Journal 2017, 31-35.
Novak, J. (2017). Sports in the US for individuals with disabilities: A therapeutic perspective. In: Sports with Individuals with Disabilities, pgs. 211-219, Krakow Academy, Economy University Press, Poland. In Polish and English.
Novak, J. (2012). Helping children and adolescents: Evidence-based strategies for developmental and social psychology. (Book review). American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 30(3), 59-62.
Mendez, K., Levy, K., Nelms, M., Hoff, D., Novak, J., & Levy, M. (2011). Cross cultural variation in the Neurodevelopmental Assessment of Children – The cultural and neurological to 2nd language acquisition in children with autism (Chapter 8). A comprehensive book on autism spectrum disorders. In Tech Open Europe, Croatia, 147-166.
Twoy, R., Connolly, P., Novak, J. (2007). Coping strategies used by parents of children with autism. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 19, 251-260.
Hamaguchi, P., Ross-Swain, D., Novak, J., McCullough, J. (2006). Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment for Auditory Processing Disorders. California Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Sacramento: CA.
Novak, J. (2002). Guest Editor’s Page. CICSD, 29, 5. Guest editor of CICSD Journal, Spring 2002
Novak, J. (2002). Improving communication in adolescents with language/learning disorders. Clinician considerations and adolescent skills. Contemporary Issues in Communicative Disorders (CICSD), 29, 79-90.
Novak, J., & Kapolnek, K. (2001). Speech-language pathologists serving clients with mental illness: A collaborative treatment approach. Contemporary Issues in Communicative Sciences and Disorders (CICSD), 28, 111-122.
Novak, J. (2001). Survival guide for beginning speech-language clinicians. (Book review). Topics in Language Disorders (TLD), 21(4), 73-74.
Connolly, P., & Novak, J. (2000). Teaching collaboration: A demonstration project. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 6(6), 183-190.
Langdon, H., Novak, J., & Quintanar, R. (2000). Setting the teaching-learning wheel in motion in assessing language minority students. Multicultural Perspectives, 2(2), 3-9.
Novak, J., & Jankowski, S. (2000). Motivation & relevancy: Key factors in service delivery to adolescents, CSHA, 29(2), 10-13.
Langdon, H., & Novak, J. (1998). Multicultures: Home and school connections - A hispanic perspective. Educational HORIZONS, 77(1), 15-17.
Novak, J., & Wyszewianska-Langdon, H. (1997). Successfully raising polish-english speaking children. In J. Wieczerzak (Ed.). The Polish Review Journal. XLII(2), 215-224.
Novak, J. (1997). Reprint of: Czy warto uczyc nasze dzieci jezyka polskiego? Kurier Codzienny, 1/192, 10. Reprint of Polish article in national Polish newspaper: “Is it worth teaching our children Polish?”
Novak, J. (1997). Czy warto uczyc nasze dzieci jezyka polskiego? Polonia Kalifornijska, 4(10), 26-27. Article in Polish in Polish Magazine on: “Is it worth teaching our children Polish?”
Novak, J. (1997). Clients with mental illness: The role of the speech pathologist. CSHA, 25(8), 17-20.
Novak, J., and Denti L. (Eds.). (1997). Multicultures: A monograph on diversity in the field of education, Vol. III. San Jose, CA: San Jose State University - College of Education
Novak, J., Schuler, A., and Watanabe, A. (1997). Communicative skill deficits in students with behavior disorders. In J. Novak & L. Denti (Eds.). Multicultures: A monograph on diversity in the field of education, Vol. III. San Jose, CA: San Jose State University - College of Education.
Novak, Jean M. (1996). Intervention planning for children with communication disorders, (Book Review) Topics in Language Disorders, 16, 89-92.
Novak, Jean M., and Denti, Louis (Eds). (1996). Multicultures: A monograph on diversity in the field of education, Vol. II. San Jose, CA: San Jose State University - College of Education.
Novak, Jean M., and Denti, Louis (Eds). (1995). Multicultures: A monograph on diversity in the field of education, Vol. I. San Jose, CA: San Jose State University - College of Education.
Novak, Jean M., and Adam, Hilary. (1995). A Handbook for Understanding and Helping Children with Behavior Disorders, Lane Press, Palo Alto, CA.
Novak, Jean M. (1991). A Pragmatic Analysis of Communication Skills of Children with Behavior Disorders, Dissertation Archives, Washington, D.C.
Novak, Jean M. (Editor). (2000-1997). Flowing Vistula (Plynie Wisla) (Bilingual Quarterly Newsletter on Polish Culture and Customs), San Francisco, CA.
Co-editor of: Educational Horizons (The Official Publication of Pi Lambda Theta), Multicultures Column.
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Personal Commentary
Enjoying retirement with doing research globally in autism, cruising – traveling the world, and attending and planning international cultural festivals and concerts.
See my link to my cultural activities and folk dance company: