Guerin, Gilbert (1930-2022)
Date Updated
Division of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
1992 SJSU; 2010 SJSU Foundation
Educational Background
UC-Berkeley & San Francisco State University, 1972, PhD
San Francisco State University, 1957, MA
University of California, Berkeley, 1953, BA
College of San Mateo, 1951, AA
Teaching Experience
San José State University 1975-1992
Hayward State University, Ed Psych 1966-1968
Dominican College, Psychology 1963-1966
Administrative and Professional Experience
San Jose State University Foundation, 1992-2010
Novato Unified School District, Psychologist and Director of Pupil Personnel, 1957, 1975
Emporium Department Store, Asst to General Merchandise Manager, 1953, 1955-1957
U.S. Army, 1953-1955
Selected Publications
Denti, L. & Guerin, G. (2008). Effective Practice for Adolescents with Reading and Literacy Challenges. New York, NY and London, England: Routledge.
Guerin, G. & Male, M. (2006). Addressing Learning Disabilities and Difficulties. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Smith, D., Lopez-Rena, N, Guerin, G, & Guillory, B. (2005) Grant Proposal Writing Guide. Chicago, IL: University of IL, Monarch Center.
Denti, L. & Guerin, G. (2005). Plans predictions and frustrations in the education of a troubled youth: Michaels story—One of many. International Journal of Applied Semiotics, 4, 2, 75-89.
Guerin, G., Henry, M. & Denti, L. (1995). Bridges to Reading. San Mateo, CA: Parent Educational Resource Center.
Guerin, G. (1992). Improving Instruction for Students at Risk. Sacramento, CA: Resources in Special Education.
Guerin, G. (1991). Critical Step in Curriculum Reform. Sacramento, CA: Resources in Special Education.
Guerin, G., & Maier, L. (1983). Informal Assessment in Education. Mt. View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co.
Guerin, G. (1973). 4th R…Research in Special Education. Berkeley, CA: University of California.

Personal Commentary
After 17 years with the University and an additional 18 with the University Foundation I fully retired on Jan 1, 2010. I enjoyed working and have equally enjoyed retirement. I continual to write professionally and still write grant applications but now work "pro-bono" with non-profit organizations.
I have been a wood sculptor for most of my life and since retirement I have had time to add clay sculpturing. I most often work in human form with some abstracts pieces. For the last two years I have helped direct the Foster City Residents’ Art Show at the city’s 3 day Annual Arts & Wine Festival.
The highlights in my life are my wife and family, travel, exercise, reading, and community activities.
Life is good!
Updated: 10/29/2019
Have continued to work as a part-time training grant director, San Jose State University Foundation and as a grant writing trainer and mentor for Alliance 2000, a program out of the University of New Mexico. I am active in the School of Education Alumni Association and serve on the SJSU President's Council.
I enjoy travel, reading, walking, community activities and my family.
Date Completed: 9/96
Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.