Publication Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




coworker support, engagement, longitudinal, role stressors


This study examined the Job Demands-Resources theory in relation to engagement using a longitudinal design. The main purpose of this longitudinal study was to investigate the nature of work engagement over time. Specifically, it examined if role stressors (a job demand) were predictive of work engagement measured one year later. Additionally, this study investigated the possible moderating or buffering effect of coworker support (a job resource) on the relationship between role stressors and later work engagement. A total of 96 (70% full-time and 30% part-time) library employees participated in this study. A moderated hierarchical regression analysis indicated that baseline engagement was a strong predictor of later engagement. Engagement was relatively stable over one year. The analyses also showed that initial role stressors were not related to engagement measured one year later, but that there was a moderated effect of coworker support on the relationship between initial role ambiguity and engagement measured one year later. In cases of low role ambiguity, high coworker support led to lower work engagement. In cases of high role ambiguity, coworker support made little difference. There was no statistically significant relationship between role conflict and later engagement. The implications of this study are discussed.
