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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
"We'll Handle Our Business": How Immigrant Perceptions of Police and Police Legitmacy Influence Legal Cynicism and the Mobilization of Law, Patricia Espiritu Advincula
Swim Bladder Morphology Influences the Responses of Nearshore Rockfishes to Barotrauma, Molly K. Alvino
Sport and Environmental Issues: NCAA Division I Student-Athletes’ Personal Experiences, Ivanna M. Anderson-Villela
Meteorology Associated with Fire Euroption during the California Canyon Fire Experiment, Maritza Arreola Amaya
The Effect of Surface-Bound FXIII-A Crosslinking on Fibrin Deposition, Structure and Mechanics, Myra S. Awan
A Qualitative Evaluation of Speech Sound Disorder Treatment Apps for Children, Rachel G. Barnett
Beyond ‘Manning Up’: The Impact Of Hegemonic Masculinity & Gender Norms On Mental Health Help-Seeking Among College Men, Joslyn Barragan
Synthetic Data and Deep Learning for Process Monitoring in Manufacturing, Sahib S. Bhatia
Single-Caregiver Families: Using Lived Experiences to Build Effective Resilience and Protect Future Children Against Negative Outcomes, Andrew Chakalian
An Exploration of Dimensionality Reduction of Dynamics on Lie Groups via Structure-Aware Canonical Correlation Analysis, Wooyoung Chung
The Moderating Role of Job Insecurity on the Relationship Between Psychological Contract Breach and Employee Turnover Intention, Madeline R. Clark
Analysis of Solid Phase Mineralogy to Explore Past Biogeochemical Conditions of the Deep Biosphere in the Guaymas Basin, Rachel W. Clifford
Mammal Response to Wildfire in Redwood Forests in Northern California, Kristine Doerr
Assessing Sediment Migration and Salmonid Habitat Recovery Following a Small Dam Removal and a Flood, Mill Creek, California, Usa, Madeline C. Doyle
Analyzing Live and Dead Fuel Moisture in California: Insights for Wildfire Management Decisions, Jack R. Drucker
Assessing the Role of Steam Explosivity in Shallow and Deep Marine Environments, Frederick Ede
“It Makes Me Wonder, How I Keep from Goin’ Under:” Deconstructing Cultural Strengths in the Stories of Black College and University Students, Sikeza C. Fowlks
Remote Sensing with Airborne Infrared Thermography for Assessment of Landscape Scale Wildfire Spread and Intensity, Christopher C. Giesige
Observations of Currents, Waves, and Turbulence Within a Giant Kelp Forest in Stillwater Cove, Carmel, California, Logan A. Grady
On the Colorability of the Sphere Complex, Bennett Haffner
Synthesizing Physiology With Aquaculture For Olympia Oyster Restoration In Elkhorn Slough, Ca, Jacob Harris
Uncovering Weaknesses in Autonomous Driving: a Formal Approach to Adversarial Scenario Generation and Falsification, Carlos O. Hernandez
Coordination, Studies of Novel Homoleptic Platinum-Group Metal-Dipyridyl Verdazyl Complexes and Their Bistable Structures, Alejandro G. Herrera
Optimizing Field-Linked Simulations of Dry Season Uptake and Monsoon Infiltration within an Aspen-Mixed Conifer Forest, Raymond J. Hess
Seasonal Dynamics of the Introduced Sponge Hymeniacidon Perlevis in the Elkhorn Slough, California, USA, Jackson Hoeke
Unveiling the Cognitive Impact: An Exploratory Study on Food Insecurity and Value-Driven Attentional Capture, Nichole S. Hogoboom
Synthesis of Well-Defined Poly(4-Iodostyrene) and its Post-Polymer Modification Potential via Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reaction, Minh Hoang Huynh
Flora and Fauna Lexical Indicators of Prehistoric Movement of Yuman Peoples, Adam Ingwerson
The Relationship Among Meditation Frequency, Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, and Happiness, Emily Inlow
Illusory Attacks on Reinforcement Learning Agents, Megha R. Jain
Language Dominance and Connected Speech in Multilingual Spanish-English Adults, Alyson Jimenez
“Lovely is the Hillside” An Ecocritical Analysis of the Narrative Function of Setting Elements in Njal’s Saga, Michelle Fae Jones
An Exploration of Learning Hybrid Dynamical Models from Observations, Ezgi Kaya
Online Trolling, Harassment, Misinformation: The Psychological Predictors of Dark Participation, Randy Kim
Reinforcement Learning Based Planning and Control for Robotic Source Seeking Inspired by Fruit Flies, Gauravkumar Koradiya
Methodology Development for Producing Robust Nuclear Targets Using Physical Vapor Deposition, Luca Le
A Novel Reinforcement Learning Method for Efficient Cross-Training Between Real and Simulated Robots, Zhonglin Liang
Synthetic Data Generation for Accurate, Fair, and Private Recommender Systems, Derek B. Lilienthal
UnrealVision: A Synthetic Dataset Generator for Human-Pose Estimation and Behavior Analysis, Thinh Lu
Extraction, Preparation, and Characterization of Alginate Biopolymer Films from Natural Seaweed, David Ly
Justice and Equity in Urban Water Allocations and Conservation Solutions: a Case Study of Non-traditional Housing Dwellers, Matthew J. Mangoni
The Relationship Between Communication With Coworkers and Job Satisfaction Among Teleworkers: The Moderating Role of Communication Modality, Madison L. Mariano
Refinement and Execution of a Clinical Trial on Biofeedback for Gait Retraining for People With Unilateral Transfemoral Amputation, Alexander P. Martin-Ginnold
The Impacts of Recreational Infrastructure on Mammal Use of Riparian Zones in Northern California Regional Parks, Emily A. Matthews
Construction, Emplacement, and Structure of Cretaceous Plutons in the Ebbetts Pass Region, North-Central Sierra Nevada Batholith, California, Hollianne C. McClure
Into the Deep: Effects of Natural and Artificial Substrates in the Deep Sea, Sydney E. McDermott
The Effects of Full-Body Photo-Editing on Female Body Image, Claire E. McElhern
An Exploration of Information Processing In Diffusion Models, Paul Mello
Remote Work and the Desire for Meaningful Work: The Unexpected Moderating Effects of Age and Childrearing, Adriana Rae Meredith
Comparing Shade and Impervious Surface Area with Extreme Heat and Environmental Equity: An Analysis of the Urban Heat Island Effect in Santa Clara County, California, Jamsheed R. Mistry
Deep-Learning Approaches to Predict Remaining Useful Life of Hard Disks, Rohan Mohapatra
Electron-Induced Chemical Transformations in Polymer Films: Understanding the Role of Electrons in EUV Lithography, Maximillian Mueller
Enhancing the Security Infrastructure of IoT-Enabled Smart Parking Networks, Bao G. Nguyen
Use of a California Wetland: Harbor Seal (Phoca Vitulina) Haul-out Patterns in Elkhorn Slough, Emma Nicholson
An Exploration of The Efficient Empowerment Calculation With Differentiable Sensors, Ankit Pal
Decentralized Traffic Congestion Control Using Intrinsically Motivated AI Agents, Himaja Papala
Quantification of Platelet-Fibrin Interactions and Expansion Microscopy of Platelet Receptor Distribution, Maya Papez
Information About a Racial Demographic Shift May Influence Tolerance for Outgroup Contact, Yvonne N. Phan
The Impact of Video Game Play on Attention and Perception, Krish Pradhan
Pentamode Metamaterial Design Via Wave Simulation And Machine Learning, Cheng Qiu
Assessing the Effectiveness of Non-traditional Climate Change Communication Tools in the City of Santa Cruz, Saara Ranabhat
Anomaly Detection & Classification Using Machine Learning for Campus Surveillance, Shakshi Richhariya
No Change in Functional Ecology or Body Size in Response to a Global Climate Event in the Late Maastrichtian Owl Creek Formation, William T. Rizza
Controllable Physics-Informed Latent Space for Acoustic Wave Manipulation, Tristan Shah
Black Author Representation in Environmental Curricula at Three California State Universities, Mya R. Shiloh
Extension of Directed Information Neural Estimation With Transformers, Enosh Shrestha
Thermal Runaway Analysis and Cooling Strategies for Nmc 523 Li-ion Battery Packs Using Pcm, Heat Pipes, and Air Cooling, Vijethvardhan Singh
Overnight Rice Fermentation: An Analysis of the Physicochemical Changes in White, Brown, and Enriched Rice Varieties, Kavin Sivakumar
Data-driven Control of Acoustic Waves Using Movable and Flexible Scatterers, Noam Smilovich
Domain Specific Aspect Extraction For Product Design, Divyam Sobti
A Good Day to Sell Out, Ryan C. Steel
Effect of Specimen Size on the Tensile Properties of Selective Laser Melted Ti-6AI-4V, Timothy L. Tan
Creatine and Depression in Rodents: A Meta-Analysis, Ruchika S. Tirupachur
Determining Best Diet and Temperature Regime of Monkeyface Pricklebacks (Cebidichthys Violaceus) for Aquaculture, Luke C. Townsend
Self-Efficacy’s Mediating Role on the Relationship Between Personality and Depression in the Unemployed, Christina Tran
Relationship between Depression, Rumination, and Emotionally Valenced Working Memory Performance, Dewey Tran
Using Moss as an Inexpensive Air Pollution Bioindicator for Environmental Equity in Santa Clara Country, California, Tam Dan Tran
Enhancing Cross-Cultural Communication in Low-Resource Language Conversational Agents, Hardi V. Trivedi
The Effects of Stress on Attentional Networks, Alice Tsvinev
Habitat Characterization of American Badgers (Taxidea taxus) of Northern California, Mitchell Victoria
Structure of the South-Central Skagit Gneiss Complex: Implications for Rheological Response to Magmatic Flare-Ups, Jeffery Wegener
Kinetic Characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ArnA, Keely N. White
Win-Win Ecology: Can Mosses Promote Dudleya Germination to Restore California Quarries?, Kate L. Worrell
Active Tectonics, Erosion Rates, and Topographic Metrics in the Hayword-Calaveras Fault Zone, Simone I. Yeager
An Assessment of Anthropogenic Injuries on White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) in Central California, Kaitlyn Yee
A Simulation Framework to Understand the Error Generation and Propagation of Quantum Algorithms, Anika Zaman
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Common Pattern Generation for the Detection of LOLBin Attacks, Alaa AbuShqeir
Impact of Family Assistance on Latinx College Students' School Engagement, Alma N. Acosta Sanchez
The Debate on NIL: Progress for Female Collegiate Sports?, Stephanie Andrada
Sustainable Roots: The Environmental Genealogies of Chicanas and Latinas, Marlene Andrade
Qualifying Quantifiers: A Usage-Based, Diachronic Analysis of Quantifier Constructions, Danielle Miles Angier